Romans – The Righteousness of God Revealed – Outline


“The Righteousness of God Revealed”

I. Introduction: 1:1-15

  • A. Greetings: 1:1-7
  • B. Thanksgiving: 1:8-15

II. Statement of Purpose: 1:16-17 “The Righteousness of God Revealed”

III. Main Teaching: 1:18-15:13

  • A. Chp. 1:18-4:25 Coming under Grace
  • B. Chp. 5:1-8:39 Living under Grace
  • C. Chp. 9:1-11:36 Overflow of Grace
  • D. Chp. 12:1-15:13 Shaped by Grace

IV. Closing: Chp. 15:14-16:27