Barnabas 13






(To be done as a group)


We will read the following two “Case Studies” together and then discuss the following four questions:


  1. What do I perceive Jack’s/Larry’s needs to be?



  1. Take Coleman’s nine steps and use them accordingly. (Be specific in laying out a strategy and tell why.)



  1. Included in my time with Jack/Larry, I would also use ______ (from our last 8 weeks together).



  1. What problems will face me in disciplining Jack/Larry?






            Jack had been a Christian for four years. His wife, Jane, was more involved in church than he was. He didn’t want to get involved in anything where he’d be embarrassed, whereas she would try almost anything. Consequently, Jack avoided teaching Sunday School and attending Bible studies where participation was expected. His initial enthusiasm for Christ and the church was beginning to plateau, whether he realized it or not. A greater amount of his time, thought life and energies were being spent in his vocation where he was experiencing an ever increasing degree of accomplishment. He had no close friend, but secretly wanted one. His interests included gardening, all spectator sports and volleyball. He has a boy, 9, and a girl, 6.






            Larry had been a Christian for 7 months. Everything about Christ and the church was still new and exciting to him. Although his wife, Laura, was not as responsive as he, she was shy and afraid in most of her relationships; she did attend everything with him. They had no children. Larry was eager to grow. He wanted to get as much of the Bible as possible. But he wanted someone to teach him. He wasn’t in the Bible on his own and had no prayer-life of his own outside of worship. Larry was willing to put aside his vacation for a day if it meant being with Christians in a growing situation. His interests included backpacking and deep-sea fishing. Older Christians in the church responded well to Larry’s outgoing, enthusiastic personality.