Exodus | Chapter 7

Exodus 6:28-7:13 – “A Word for Moses, A Sign for Pharaoh”

I.) Intro.

Things are about to change in the book of Exodus. Moses will be transformed from a man obsessed with his own failures to a man ready to be used as God’s instrument. For six chapters and eighty years in the life of Moses, we have seen God’s work in fashioning a tool that He would use as the instrument of redemption. Now, before us, we shall see God use that instrument. I am not certain how long it took God to deliver Israel out of Egypt, but it is safe to say that it was a great deal shorter than it took Him to make the tool! Based on that observation, what does that suggest to you concerning God and what He may be doing in your life?

May I make this simple proposal? “God is more interested in you than He is in using you.” Another thing I see brings me back to my days as a goldsmith: “A well-crafted tool can take longer to make than the time it takes to use it, but you could never accomplish the task without it!”

One last thing before we get into the text: I want you to notice that for the next five chapters, everything God is doing is about communication. The purpose of the sign and the 10 plagues is to communicate; in fact, we are even told what God is trying to communicate. Eight times in these five chapters, God tells us that He is performing the plagues so that they might “know” that He is the Lord. Now, obviously, He wants Pharaoh to know that He is Lord, and through Pharaoh, the Egyptians would know that He is Lord. But you know what? There are two other groups that are going to see that He is Lord as well, namely Moses, Aaron, and the Israelites.

II.) Vs. 6:28-7:2 Can I have a word with you?

Vs. 28-29 These last two verses in chapter 6 recap verses 11-13, in which Moses and God conversed concerning Moses’ inabilities. It is interesting to see that between both of these conversations is the recording of the genealogy. The emphasis in the genealogy was the first three sons of Jacob and specifically the tribe of Levi. From this tribe, we are brought to Aaron (verses 23-25). The question that ought to come to mind is, “Why Aaron and not Moses?” Moses is the primary person in this story, so why detail the ancestry of his brother Aaron? Well, I think it goes back to when God first called Moses out of Midian in chapter 4:14. It is clear that God meant Aaron to be an encouragement to Moses. In fact, we are told in chapter 7:1-2 that he will be the mouthpiece for Moses.

Simply put, God knows who they are. He is aware of our frailties, and yet He still commands them to go. Amazing how many excuses we can come up with when we are looking at ourselves. Now notice what God says, “Speak to Pharaoh all that I say to you.” God is giving Moses every opportunity to step out in faith. He has told Moses that He is aware of his failings, He has given Moses an encourager, and most importantly, He has told Moses that all he is required to do is share with Pharaoh what God has given him. In other words, Moses is not responsible for the outcome as long as he shares what God has given him.

Vs. 30 Moses again complains about his lack of ability. Now, either Moses is saying that he has speech problems or he is saying that he has heart problems, like Isaiah did in Isaiah 6:1-8. To me, Moses’ problem is in whom he trusts. How like Moses we are—so prone to trusting ourselves and our own abilities above God’s word. Now, it is interesting to realize that Moses is going to be used to speak to Pharaoh the Word of God, and yet it is this very Word that Moses is struggling with trusting in.

Vs. 1-2 Now here we have these strange words from God concerning Moses, Aaron, and their relationship to Pharaoh:

  • a.) First, look at how patient God is with Moses. This is the seventh time Moses has shown his lack of trust, and yet God still deals with him in grace. Proverbs 24:16 says, “…a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity.” Instead, God again tells Moses what he is to do and reveals to him that He has placed him in authority over the mightiest ruler in the world.
  • b.) Pharaoh rejected Moses’ first dealings with him, asking the question, “Who is the Lord?” Since Pharaoh would not deal with God, he was now going to have to deal with Moses. This would let Moses know that it was not his inability that was causing Pharaoh’s hard heartedness, but rather it was Pharaoh’s rejection of the Word of God.
  • c.) One last point here: how unfortunate it is that some groups, like the Mormons, use this verse to explain their false teaching that we will one day become gods. Clearly, looking at Moses’ frailties will tell you that Moses is not all-powerful or all-knowing. Instead, it is saying that Moses will be speaking for God to Pharaoh and that Aaron will be speaking for Moses. God is showing that it is He who places one above another.

So what we see here is twofold: God is reassuring Moses, and second, God is showing Moses that He was going to be speaking to Pharaoh another way—through signs and wonders. God will always speak to the heart of man first through His Word, but if a person rejects His Word, then He will reveal Himself through other means.

III.) Vs. 3-7 Actions speak louder than words

Vs. 3 There are some questions as to what is meant by the words, “I will harden Pharaoh’s heart.” Eighteen times in Exodus we are told that Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and they are equally divided between God doing it and Pharaoh doing it. It appears that God began the process. What we have here then needs to be looked at in light of the character of God.

  • a.) The context makes it plain as to the reason for this: “…and multiply My signs and wonders in the land of Egypt.” Furthermore, God says in verse 5 that through these signs and wonders, “The Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord.” So the purpose was clearly given: that God would make Himself known unmistakably above the gods of the Egyptians.
  • b.) Now, you will remember that Pharaoh himself asked in 5:2, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice?” So God has been revealing who He is. How did He do that? First, He did it through Moses by way of the Word of God, which Pharaoh rejected. So by the Word of God, Pharaoh’s heart was becoming hardened to who God was. Do you see that? God was hardening Pharaoh’s heart by revealing who He was. Simply put, this was cause and effect. Pharaoh wanted to know who God was, so God is obliging him of his request. Now, because Pharaoh would not respond to the Word of God, God is going to multiply the signs and wonders, and we shall see that the further the revelation, the more hardened the heart of Pharaoh becomes.

What’s the point? Think of the world now like Pharaoh—unbelieving and hardening their hearts. Folks, people reject Jesus not based on a lack of knowledge, but rather because their hearts become hard to the revelation!

Vs. 4-5 Now you hear what happens to a heart that refuses to respond to the truth of who God is. God will still reveal who He is, only it will be through His judgment. Notice again the reference to His outstretched hand, which this time will reveal God’s judgment. The cross of Christ both shows God’s judgment for our sin and reveals the truth that we are redeemed. At the same time, rejecting the cross of Christ becomes our judgment. The same outstretched hand that redeems is the one that will judge. The only difference is whether or not you harden your heart to the truth.

One of the most incredible sights we visited in Israel was the garden tomb. What struck me was the fact that the place where they laid Jesus was right next to where He was crucified. In fact, you could so position yourself that you could look at both locations. The place of utter rejection to some has become the place of redemption for others.

Vs. 6-7 Lastly, we are told of the quick obedience of Moses and Aaron. No deviation from what God told them. We are also given their ages—80 and 83. Can you picture these two old guys coming in before this 40-something Pharaoh? God did not care about their ages. He calls the foolish to confound the wise.

IV.) Vs. 8-13 A sign of things to come

Vs. 8-9 You will remember that this sign was first given to Moses back in chapter 4. Now there are several differences in the use of this sign:

  • a.) In chapter 4, it was Moses that performed it; here, it is Aaron.
  • b.) In chapter 4, it was a snake; here, the word for serpent is different. The word here means a sea or land monster. In fact, this is the only place out of 27 times in the Bible where this word is translated as “serpent.” Most often it refers to a whale or a dragon. If you know your ancient Egyptian history, you will realize that in Egypt, there was very little history related to the snake, but quite a bit dealing with the crocodile. Egyptians symbolized everything, and their gods were often represented by animals. Their chief god was Ra, the sun god, and his chief enemy was Sebak, an evil-looking creature with a crocodile head. They also had another god named Apepi, who was the sworn enemy of Ra, and he too appeared as a crocodile. The Egyptians had elaborate ceremonies in which they showed Apepi trying to prevent Ra, the sun god, from rising.
  • c.) Another difference here is that there is no mention of them taking up the serpent, or if you will, the crocodile. Simply put, this sign was to show something different to someone different.

Vs. 10 Aaron goes and does just as God had told him to. Can you imagine what was going through the minds of Moses and Aaron as they came before Pharaoh? Then the joy in seeing the Lord work?

Vs. 11-12a Not to be outdone, Pharaoh calls in all his wise men and sorcerers. We are told in 2 Timothy 3:8 that their names were Jannes and Jambres and that they resisted Moses and the truth because they had corrupt minds and were disapproved of the faith. This brings up an interesting point: how were they able to duplicate the feat? Well, I believe that Satan has power, but not to create—only to duplicate. We ought not to be surprised by what Satan can do. Just because something is supernatural does not mean it is from God. We need to check all things by the Word of God.

Vs. 12b-13 Here we are given the outcome:

  • a.) First, Aaron’s rod ate the other crocodiles. God was showing His superiority over the Egyptian gods, as well as perhaps showing that they cannot thwart God’s purposes.
  • b.) Second, this further hardened the heart of Pharaoh.

Let me conclude this morning’s teaching with a quick overview of the ten plagues recorded in the next few chapters:

  • 1.) In the first three plagues, the Lord shows the difference between His servants (Moses and Aaron) and the servants of the Egyptian gods. Even though the magicians are able to duplicate the first two plagues, they are unable to reverse the effects, and they are unable to duplicate the third altogether. Finally, they say in 8:19, “This is the finger of God.”
  • 2.) In plagues 4-6, the Lord shows the difference between His people Israel and the Egyptians. While the plagues affect Egypt, they do not affect the land of Goshen, where Israel dwells.
  • 3.) In the next three plagues (7-9), God shows how He is different than all other gods. He says in 9:14 that “there is none like me in all the earth.” Of course, they worshiped the creation.
  • 4.) In the 10th plague, God shows that He alone is sovereign, as He works not through Moses or Aaron.

So how about it? Whom do you trust in?