1 Thessalonians | Chapter 2

1 Thessalonians 2: 1-12

“The Secrets of a Successful Servant”

 Vs. 1-6 A Servants Life

Vs. 7-8 A Mothers Heart

 Vs. 9-12 A Fathers Touch


In the first chapter Paul praises the Lord for the work of the gospel in the young lives of the Thessalonian believers. Remember, Paul had only three weeks with them before he was forced to leave. Yet the testimony of the work of the gospel in their lives had grown to the point that more established believers were to imitate them. Why is the gospel more effective in some and not others? Well Paul says in chapter 1 verse 5 that: 

  • First it was “energized by the Holy Spirit!”
  • Second, Paul and others “energized by the Holy Spirit” demonstrated it in much assurance!

Today the focus is upon the keys of how to be a successful instrument for the Holy Spirit to use. A young boy was sitting next to his father in church listening to the pastor teach when the little guy leaned over to his father and asked, “Dad, what does the pastor do the rest of the week when he is not speaking on Sunday?” 

Well” replied the father, “Pastor is a very busy man, he takes care of church business, calls and visits sick people, helps people in need,  and he has to take time to rest as well.” “You see son, talking in front of people is not an easy thing.” The boy sat there a few moments longer then said to his dad, “Well, dad listening to him ain’t easy either.”  

Vs. 1-6 A Servants Life

Vs. 1 In the first six verses Paul speaks in terms of a servant about the way in which he, Silas and Timothy served while they were there in Thessalonica. Saints I think that this is a great thing to look for when considering a church to call home: What kind of servant are they? In the first two verses Paul states what he WAS “PURE OF HEART” as a servant.

PURE HEART: Vs. 1 “For you yourselves know”: They had firsthand experience of this fact. That’s a bold thing to do as they had personal knowledge of how Paul served among them; in fact they were his fruit in service that his coming and serving was, “not in vain.” In Mark 10:45 Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Ministry is not about getting something from the people, it is about giving to people to further God’s kingdom not your own!  

Vs. 2 “Even after we had suffered before and were spitefully treated at Philippi, we were bold to speak the gospel of God in much conflict”: Secondly, Paul says that you can tell he was a servant by the way he sacrificed his life to share the word with them. He had been beaten at Philippi yet still came to Thessalonica to share with them. The word “conflict” is an athletic term that means a contest or struggle and speaks of a contest that requires dedication and energy.

Vs. 3-6 Paul goes on to state what he was NOT: 

PURE MESSAGE: Vs. 3a “For our exhortation did not come from ERROR..” Being on the Egnatian Road, these folks were accustomed to all sorts of false religions who would come through town with false messages to extort something from anyone that would listen. The message was pure because it centered around the Word of God.

PURE MOTIVE: Vs. 3b “For our exhortation did not come from…UNCLEANNESS:  Not only was his message pure his “motive” was pure as well. The word “uncleanness” speaks of corruption and Paul is saying that this was not a salesman hocking a product. Often people think Christianity is all about trying to coerce people into giving large sums of money. But in verse 5 Paul says that he did not speak using “flattery as a cloak or mask for covetousness”.

PURE METHOD: Vs. 3c-6 “… nor was it in guile”: The word guile here means to “bait the hook”. Paul was not trying to trap people into receiving Jesus. The success of the gospel must never depend upon a slick presentation, it is God’s Word in the Power of His Spirit! Paul didn’t need to “trap people” into receiving Jesus through an entertaining service. His goal was not to see people happy, it was to see them Holy! He goes on to state three characteristics of his method

Vs. 4 Not pleasing men but God …but pleasing God: Paul’s concern was not what people thought about him, but what God thought of him. The goal of Paul’s method was, “To Get Out Of The Way!” Too many teachers today try to be entertainers and the end result is that the listener is entertained by a performer, but they never understand the message

Vs. 5 Not manipulating the Word of God…taught in the sight of God: Flattery is the art of saying nice things or things that people want to hear in order to get what you want. In 2 Timothy 4:3 Paul speaks of a time when people will flock to those who tickle their ears. Praise God the Word is not just interested in making people “feel better” it’s all about making them look like Jesus! 

Vs. 6 Not seeking self-glory…made no demands: Paul was not fishing for praise or popularity. He was not in the ministry for freebies, or fans

Paul described himself as a servant who had a:

  • Pure heart
  • Pure message
  • Pure motive
  • Pure method

Church leadership must seek to please the master above himself!  

Vs. 7-8 A Mothers Heart

Paul moves from the perspective of a “SERVANT” to that of a “PARENT”. I love this as good church leadership not only see themselves as servants but as a family

Vs. 7 When you think of mothers the first quality that comes to mind is gentleness. The word “gentle” means “thoughtful consideration”. The “servant’s heart” centers around faithfulness, a mother’s faithful service is done in love. In the church: Leadership does not just serve the church it “CARES” for the church! Paul describes how he cared for the church in Thessalonica both as a mother and a father. First as nursing mothers

This speaks of a person who has bonded with her children. The pastor and leadership must love the body as they do their own children. There is a danger in ministry where we become automatic, and leadership looks more like robots than mothers.

Second, a nursing mother literally pours her life into the child. A mother must make sure that she eats well and what she eats will affect her baby. Leadership must regularly feed on God’s word that they may impart it to others.

Thirdly, Paul uses the word “cherishes” which means to “warm” and it carries the idea of protection as well as holding a child up in your arms close to your heart! 

Vs. 8 Paul describes the degree that he poured his love and life into this church, be saying: 

  1. He affectionately longed for them: This word means to yearn for someone that you are deeply in love with
  2. He was “well pleased or delighted” to share not only the word but their lives with them: The word “well pleased” means to cause

intense pleasure”. Ministry was not a duty but a pleasure for Paul! He was not holding back any part of himself for the benefit of others.  

He says that they had become “dear” to them: This is the word agape which expresses God’s love towards us. Paul loved them as God loved them. 

 Vs. 9-12 A Fathers Touch

Here we have leadership from a fathers perspective:

Vs. 9 PROVIDER: Paul did not sponge off of them even though as an apostle he had the right to be supported in the ministry. Paul made tents to support his ministry not because he had to, but because he knew that all the other false religions were taking advantage of people. He “labored and toiled” day and night to make sure that they had only to enjoy the Lord. Leadership ought to be the first here and the last to leave so that those we care for can enjoy the Lord! 

Vs. 10 EXAMPLE: Paul describes three ways in which this was accomplished:

  • Devoutly: The word means “carefully fulfilling the duties God gives to a person”. The leadership must be “sold out” or “all in”. 
  • Justly: This word refers to the integrity of a person. The leadership needs to be the practical example of how to walk with God in everyday life. 
  • Blameless: Literally, “unable to find fault”. Paul’s enemies could accuse him, but it would not stick to his Christ like character.

Vs. 11 COMMUNICATOR:  Paul communicated four ways of how they were to live: 

  • First it says that what he did was to, “every one of them” Which tells us that Paul ministered to them personally, “one on one”.  
  • Second,  he “exhorted”: Paul came alongside them to support them not tear them down, but to put the arm around so that they may lean on him. 
  • Thirdly, he “comforted”: Paul didn’t just share the victory he shared how they could get their own victory. Paul didn’t just make them feel better; he made them want to do better.
  • Lastly he “charged” them: This word means to “testify” to give guidance and direction. This was the last form of communication not the first! 

Vs. 12 Paul’s intent at instruction was that they “would walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.” The goal of every church leader is to see the church learn how to “walk”, not just profess! 

1 Thessalonians 2:13-20

“Keep Walking”

 Vs. 13 Cling To The Word Of God

 Vs. 14-16 Fellowship With The People Of God

 Vs. 17-20 Long For The Presence Of God

In an autobiographical section Paul spoke of how Pastors and leaders must have a: 

  • Servant’s life style
  • Mother’s heart of caring
  • Father’s touch in instructing 

Remember Paul only had three weeks with these Christians and although that had a great start their faith was beginning to be severely tested through persecution. What were they going to do now that Paul was gone? One of my Bible College teachers told me on the first day of class that these three things were keys to endurance in the Christian life:

  • Life is not fair: We are surprised when we go to get into the car and it won’t run. Life by its nature has twists and turns which we can’t anticipate. So instead of getting bummed out, remind yourself ahead of time that “life is not fair”!
  • People are weird: We all know weird people, we work with them; they drive on the same roads as we do, eat at the same restaurants. They may even pastor the church you go to. The truth is sometimes we act weird towards others! The next time someone does something weird towards you, remember this simple truth, “people are weird”.
  • Love covers a multitude of sins: This is the one thing that will enable you to have perspective when “life’s not fair” and “people are weird”. The question is not whether or not life is going to throw you a curve ball or when some person is going to act weird. The question is: What are you going to do when “life is not fair” and “people are weird”? You can’t change the inevitable and you shouldn’t be so surprised about it. All you can do is respond in the Spirit & not in the flesh! Love covers your sins, as well as others!

Paul tells these new Christians how to maintain a walk worthy of God, even when life is not fair and people are weird!  

 Vs. 13 Cling To The Word Of God

Vs. 13a Paul had already thanked God for the work of the Spirit of God in the Word of God for their salvation. Now he is thanking God that the Spirit of God still works in the Word of God which will enable them to have a walk worthy of God. Paul was always in praise towards God. This is one of those things that I think God would have us to be more like Jesus, a continual heart of praise.

 Paul phrases this thanksgiving about the “Word of God saying, “..when you received the word of God…, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe.” It was not only their initial acceptance of the Word of God, but its continual “effective work in those that believed

Here is the first of three things to do when “life is not fair” and “people are weird:

  • CLING TO THE WORD OF GOD: The text says that there are three things that the church at Thessalonica did. 
  • Accept it as from God: Paul uses two different words for “received”, (in the New King James Version the second word is rendered “welcomed”, in verse 13). The first one means to “accept from another” this involves the desire to listen. These guys valued the truth enough to check it out. They saw the Word of God as coming from God not man! The way that a Christian treats the Word of God in difficult times will show how he regards Jesus. The Bible says that:
  • John 1:1, 14 That Jesus is the living Word and according to                 Heb. 4:12 so is the Bible.
  • B.) Matt. 4:4 and John 6:48 both are the bread of life.
  • C.) In Ps. 119:105 and John 8:12 both are light.
  • D.) In John 14:6 and 17:17 both are true. 

The Bible should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. It’s a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory and a river of pleasure. It’s given to you in life, will be opened at judgment, and be remembered forever.”

  • Took it to heart:  The second word here rendered “welcome” means to accept it as one’s own! This involves not just the hearing of the ear but the hearing of the heart. These guys did not just listen, they said “This is the truth that we need to make part of our lives.” Think of it like eating, the first part of hearing with the ears is like chewing the food. You don’t spit it out, instead you swallow so that your body can digest it.
  • Apply it to their life: Paul says that the Word of God “effectively works”. The word here is where we get our word “energy” from and it means to have “power in use”. Paul’s point is that the Word of God doesn’t just change how you feel it changes your life! So this is how to cling to the Word of God in difficult times:
  • Value it with your mind.
  • Understand it with your heart.
  • Apply it in your life.

Vs. 14-16 Fellowship with The People Of God

Paul lets them know that they were not alone in what was happening to them. People who go through tough times can get a narrow view on life, thinking that they are the only ones going through trials. This can cause us to pull away from fellowship. So Paul let them know that they were not alone. 

  • Vs. 14 They were not taking the lead of going through tough times, in fact it was par for the course. The churches in Judea were being persecuted just as they were only for a longer period of time. 
  •   Vs. 14b-15 Paul wants them to know that it was their stand in Christ that had brought about the persecution just like the church in Judea as was Jesus! Religion has always been the enemy of a relationship with Jesus. 

Vs. 16 No need to worry about all of this as God will deal with those that oppose Jesus in the end. Paul is letting them in on a secret when the world comes at you draw near to those who are going through the same thing. Fellowship with those that love you! The great value of the church is that folks will stand with you, guide you, correct you, pray with you. We need each other! Paul does not say, “You deserve better!” 

He comforts them with the fact that they are not alone. Then he tells them that they are part of a greater group of believers called the “church”.     

Vs. 17-20 Long For The Presence Of God

Vs. 17-18 Paul explains why he has not come back to them personally to comfort them as he calls them, “Brethren”! That’s the way of calling someone “family” . He saw them more than just some people he met; they were part of his family. To further illustrate this he says that he was “taken” from them and the word means to be an “orphan”. Paul felt as if his children had been taken from him.

 Ah but it was only in presence not in heart. That reminds me of a story I heard of a father who was asked how many children he had. His response was startling as he said, “I have three, two here in the land of the dead and one with me in my heart in the land of the living!” All that separation did for Paul was want all the more to be with them. 

Does that describe your desire to be with the believers here at Calvary Chapel? I love to hang out with you and when I’ve traveled away from here I can’t wait to get back.

Vs. 18 Paul explains why he did not come, Satan hindered. The word here “hindered” means to “break up the road by putting up obstacles.” That’s all Satan can do, “put up roadblocks” but the truth is that even this God uses!   

Vs. 19-20 Paul realized that the greatest thing of all was being in the presence of God. No matter what you find yourself going through, God is there with you. This church was going through heavy persecution and Paul gives them a heavenly perspective. He says, 

For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming?”

 Look at it this way: 

Our hope is …. you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming.

Our joy isyou in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming. 

Our crown of rejoicing isyou in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming.

Our goal is not to be found in this life, it is to be found in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming. There is a little saying that goes like this:

If you come to find “happiness” seek it elsewhere. If you want it your own way, I have nothing to share. But if looking like Jesus is what you desire, the cross is waiting, come feel its fire. It will free you from self! It will turn you from sin! It will fill you with Joy, please come and venture in.”

Saints, if you are going through tough times “keep walking”! 

  • Cling to the word of God. 
  • Fellowship with the people of God 
  • Long for the presence of God 

It’s the only way to get to where you want to go!