1 Thessalonians | Chapter 5

1 Thessalonians 5: 1-8

“Living In The Light Of His Return”

Vs. 1-3 Characteristics of a thief 

 Vs. 4-8 How Should We Live?  


Paul wrote this letter to a church that he had founded but was only able to stay with them for three to four weeks, so to encourage them Paul:

  • Reminds them of their past faith in Christ, which had been clearly seen by all.
  •  Encourages them in the present to have a Christian walk that seeks to please     God.
  •  Instructs them concerning their future hope in Jesus.

In each case Paul kept them focused upon the goal of one day being with Jesus for eternity. The goal of the Lord is not to rescue us from judgment, it is to bring us to Jesus!  

Over the last two weeks Paul addressed two concerns that these young believers had:

  •  Vs. 13 What happens to those Christians who die prior to the 2nd coming?
  • Vs. 15 What about those who remain alive?

In the first 11 verses of chapter 5 Paul contrasts the believers who he spoke of as being “raptured”; against those non-believers awaiting the “day of the Lord” and how this ought to cause us believers to live today!    

                                                                             Vs. 1-3 Characteristics of a Thief 

Vs. 1 There are some today within the church who say that the church should not teach on prophetic passages adopting a “Pan Theology” meaning that it will all “Pan out in the end”.  Though it is true that everything will turn out as God has ordained, Paul was not a “Pan-Triber” as he had already had some discussions concerning the end times. 

They had been confused as to what happened to believers who died but they had a good grasp of the end times as Paul says that concerning “times and seasons” they had no need to be further instructed.  The phrase appears only three times in the Bible and in each case it refers to God’s plans for Israel in the latter days. 

The context of the words “times and seasons” refers to the “Day of the Lord” (verse 2), so the times and seasons that This young church had an understanding of were the ones centered around the day of the Lord. I think everyone wants to know the time of these events, but Paul is not speaking here of a “day and hour” and we know this for two reasons:

Jesus told us in Matt. 24: 36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only: We cannot know what day or hour, but we do know that He is coming again! As believers we are not focused upon the event when the Lord will come to judge the world, we are focused upon the time when we will be caught up together with those who have died in Christ to meet the Lord in the air, thus always being with Him, (1 Thess. 4: 13-18). And this can happen at any moment!!!!

The words, “times and seasons” are two distinct things;

  1. Times”: Refers to a duration or length of time and not a day or hour. God has ordained a length of time in which He will both deal with the nation of Israel and judge the Gentile nations. We are told of this both in Daniel and Revelation, of a seven year period called the great tribulation. This church knew this because Paul had spoken to them about it.
  2. “Seasons”: A season describes certain obvious characteristics of time throughout a year, (Fall is when the leaves change color and drop, spring is when all the grass turns green and the flowers bloom, etc.). So like the changes in the seasons there will be certain signs or characteristics that will proceed this duration of time, as well as certain signs during the event itself. 

Paul told Timothy in 2 Tim. 3:1-4 that it would be a time when the people of the church would begin to look more like the people of the world as they would be lovers of themselves and money. They would be proud and arrogant, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. It would be a time when they would not be into the Word of God and instead would follow after false teachers.  Jesus to the Pharisees Matt. 16:2-3, You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.” 

The Lord would have us aware of the events that are coming for two reasons:

  1. So that we would so live as if Jesus would be taking us to be with Him at any moment. 
  2. So we could warn those who do not yet know Him of what awaits, in order that they would come to know Him. 

Vs. 2 The duration of time known as the “Day of the Lord.”, (or the “time of Jacob’s trouble”) The phrase appears 26 times in 24 verses in the Bible and it describes a time when God will  judge the nations and will strike those who reject Christ. At the same time God will prepare Israel for the return of Jesus and His reign for a thousand years with His saints. There are three characteristics of this season:

  • 4: 13-17 “Caught up (raptured) together”: Paul told them about the coming of Jesus for His church which will proceed the “day of the Lord”. When Paul spoke of the two separate events he used the word “but” drawing a distinction between the rapture and the day of the Lord.
  • Vs. 2 “Thief in the night”: This suggests two things: 
  • UNSUSPECTING: The world will be unsuspecting of Jesus’ return and judgment. Jesus said in Matt. 24: 37-38 that at “…the coming of the Son of Man….it will be like…days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark” When a thief breaks into your house, you don’t expect it. The “Day of the Lord” is going to surprise people the way Peter wrote of in 2 Peter 3:4 saying people will mockingly say “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” 
  • UNPREPARED: If the power was to go out at night and you need to get up early how would you be able to do so? So the world will be unprepared for His coming. Religious people will be unprepared for His coming because they think they are good enough on their own effort to escape the day of the Lord! 
  • Vs. 3 “A time when people will say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them”: The signs outwardly will all be looking great. The world will be lulled to sleep by the “good times” politically and economically. The word “destruction” means utter hopeless ruin. 

 Vs. 4-8 How Should We Live?

Vs. 4 Paul goes from signs of the times happening upon “THEM” to “You brethren” as he gives these believers 5 guidelines on how to live in light of the soon return of Jesus.

Vs. 4 Be expectant: Paul says that we are not in darkness that the Day should overtake us. We ought to be living ready, living for His return for us! We need to live in the light of His soon return. Titus 2: 11-13 says, “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,  looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, ” 

Vs. 5 Be you: Paul calls them here “Brethren, Sons of the light, Sons of the day.” Before he tells them what to do he reminds them of “WHO” they are in Christ. He contrasts that with what they are not, “not of the night or of darkness.” We should live based upon who we now are in Jesus. Our lives are to be a contrast to that of those in the world as we let His light shine through us.

Vs. 6 Be awake: There must be an obvious difference between the believer and the non-believer; as they are asleep we are awake. As we see the seasons change, don’t put your Christian life into neutral, put it into overdrive!

Vs. 6-7 Be steady: Paul says that they were to a model of consistency and contrasts this with what the world is. They are morally indifferent and careless about spiritual things. We are to heed Heb. 10: 24-25 “..consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Vs. 8 Be ready: Literally, “put your armor on and leave it on!” Notice the familiar threefold characteristics of a believer, “faith, hope, and love”. These are not offensive weapons here because we have already won in Christ and as such we don’t need to advance, just stand our ground. The Bible never mentions any protection for your back side because we never retreat!

Breastplate of faith and love: The breastplate protects the heart, which is the center of the emotions, intellect and will. Our faith in Jesus and our love for Him will keep our heart right!   

Helmet of the hope of salvation: The helmet protects the head and for the believer we are talking about our thought life. The hope is not the “I hope that I will be saved.” It means the hope that the knowledge of salvation brings to us. The reality that nothing will keep us from Jesus, therefore we are free to go for it!  

1 Thessalonians 5: 9-13a

“We are family”

Vs. 9-11 Not Appointed to Wrath

Vs. 12-13a Keys to a Healthy Church  


Every year around our nation local, state and national leaders do a “state of the union” message where the leader speaks of the accomplishments and success of the past year as well as what they hope to accomplish in the new year. Paul’s closing is his “state of the Church” address for the newly birthed church in Thessalonica. One of his favorite words in this letter is the word that he uses for the church, 17 times in five chapters Paul refers to these believers as “brethren”, or brothers.

 It appears as though Paul thinks of this young church as a family. Even though he and his leadership was forced to leave this newly birthed church only weeks after its conception, he clearly expected its members to function as God ordained. His departure created some unique challenges. The greatest was…who was going to lead this young group.

 When I was young my folks would leave my older brothers in charge, which meant instant chaos. They would no sooner walk out the door then we would start fighting. Someone would not want to do his share, while others would not want to submit to their older sibling. That is what this section is all about. Paul puts in order the family unit as a parent would calling back to see how the family is doing. But first he wants to remind them they are all part of the same family. 

Vs. 9-11 Not Appointed To Wrath

Vs.9  There is a vital truth that we need to realize: We are on the winning side! But lest we misunderstand that we are there not because we are essential to the team’s success, no we are on the winning side because Christ has already made us winners! 

Paul wanted this young church to know that their security is certain. They were not appointed to the time of the “Day of the Lord. Instead they had obtained salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ! Dear ones, our appointment with wrath, though still deserving, has been canceled. God’s righteous anger towards our sin has been taken care of when we put our faith in Jesus who took God’s wrath for our sins! 

Vs. 10 Further more Paul tells them that neither life not death can alter this FACT, if we die prior to the rapture or we are changed in a twinkling of an eye we are going to the reunion party the likes of which the world has never seen before and it will go on for eternity! 

Vs. 11 Having stated this FACT Paul declares that we should be building each other up with this truth. I admit that I enjoy watching sports, especially improbable comebacks. Watching the Montana Grizzlies play (Football) this year has been extremely satisfying as practically every game has come down to a last second win. It amazes me to see how one player or one play can change the course of a game. Saints, that’s what the body of Christ ought to be doing with each other. 

When it looks like all is lost and we are down to our last play, come alongside your teammate and encourage them in the truth that they have already WON  as Jesus will soon be returning for us! I have noticed that it is far easier and less stressful watching a game when I already know that we have won, regardless of how poorly they have played. Knowing the outcome is encouraging!  

Vs. 12-13a The Key to a Healthy Church

Vs. 12 In every church there is a leadership structure that is in place and even in this church which was only a few months old Paul had already set up a leadership structure. It is interesting to notice the chief characteristic of those that Paul had placed in leadership was that they had “labored among you”. 

Those that serve in positions of authority are those that work and it is the responsibility of the body of Christ to support those who are doing the work. I’m sure that it must have been difficult at times to submit to those who had gotten saved at the same time, those who they knew were as flawed as they were. Yet Paul still outlines three things that the church should do with regards to the leadership that Christ has placed over them.

Vs. 12 RECOGNIZE: The word in the original cares the idea of “honor or respect”. Paul tells them that they need to know and respect those who because of their position are over them. Some of the church was struggling with respecting the folks that God had placed over them. Verse 13 makes it clear that their respect and honor was to be based upon their work among them. And that work was based upon their character, as Paul lists three duties of good leadership based upon godly character.

Labor among you: This word “labor” literally means to “feel fatigue to work to the point of being weary”. These leaders were sold out servants for the benefit of the believers in Thessalonica. So Paul says, “Honor those who by their character give so much of themselves on behalf of you.” They were not leaders like many in the world today that expected their position to grant them prestige and privilege. Far too many political “civil servants” are neither civil nor servants! But the church is different as those that will be called the greatest of all will be the servants of all. So they are to be respected because of their sacrifice and service! 

Over you in the Lord: The word means to be placed before you like a superintendent of a household as to lead others.” Notice that they are over you but it is in the Lord? Paul mentions that they had been placed over the body only after he mentions that they were servants among them. In the world those that are over people often not the people that labored among them for others benefit to the point that they are worn out. The body ought to honor those folks in leadership that have demonstrated their position by their service. 

Admonish you: The word means to, “put in mind”. Another characteristic of Church leadership beyond their service is seen in their responsibility to warn others in the church if they were out of line. They had the tough job of having to confront fellow believers if they were not living as they ought. Nothing is more challenging than to have to confront a fellow believer about an attitude or action that is harmful to themselves and church life. To not confront lovingly is to show that the church doesn’t care! This must be done through the Word of God that reveals that the attitude or action is not right.

Vs. 13 ESTEEM: The word means to “go over in your mind all the qualities of a person and to an admiration in the Lord of them”. They were to value them “very highly” for their works sake. The truth is that any church that functions well does so because of the leadership! God has placed in positions of leadership people that make this church healthy in Christ. 

They serve with nothing to gain as if they had nothing to lose! If you can’t admire those that God has placed over you in church then either your heart needs to change or you need to change where you fellowship. 

Saints, we can all find reasons why we don’t like a particular church and reasons why you shouldn’t make a certain church your home church. 

  • A lot of those reasons are based upon personal preferences….you want a church where they do only Hymns …. You want a church that only does contemporary music. S
  • Some of those reasons are doctrinal….you want a church that believes exactly the same way that you do with regards to the “non-essentials” of the faith.
  • Others are cultural…..you need to be in a church where you understand the language….or the culture needs to be in a way that will facilitate spiritual maturity. 

But with that said the importance of finding a local fellowship must have as its end not a place where you can COME….but rather a place that encourages you to GO! Based upon the New Testament letters the early church was designed to equip believers to GO and utilize the gifts and talents to reach a hurting and dying world with the great news that Jesus can transform lives. 

  • I’m certain that we are not a fellowship that pleases everyone that comes
  • I’m certain that we will do things and say things that not everyone will agree with all the time. 
  • I’m certain that those that lead this fellowship have two great loves and demonstrate it every day: The Lord, and His people!    

1 Thessalonians 5: 13b-28

“Keys to a healthy church”

Vs. 14b-24 Keys To a Healthy You  

Vs. 25-28 Prayer, Fellowship, and the Word of Grace

We conclude this wonderful little letter in the context of remembering that every chapter ended with a reminder that Jesus is coming back soon for His Church. This final section is a “check list” of items that each Christian and every Church ought to keep handy to ensure that we stay healthy. It is interesting how success within the church today has centered upon size instead of health. That’s not to say that a large church can’t be healthy but it is to say that just because it is large doesn’t mean that it is healthy. 

  • Saint’s Jesus is coming for His church. 
  • His kingdom will be established on earth. 
  • Our earthly life is a gift that will come to an end sooner than we realize. 

Because of these facts it is best to adapt that motto of the old poem written by C.T. Studd whose father had been led to Christ by D.L. Moody:

Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done by Christ will last.     

 Vs. 13b-14a Keys to a Healthy Church

Vs. 13 BE AT PEACE: Paul gives yet another thing the body of Christ can implement so that they can make the leadership’s load a lot lighter; be at peace with each other. The church needs to learn to “get along”, take the Lord’s side and bridge the gap by being a “peacemaker”. Apparently “getting along” was an issue in this church so much so that Paul in verse 14 is going to list three types of difficult situations and the ways in which to be a peacemaker among them.

Warn those who are unruly: The “unruly” person is a word that comes from a military term which describes a person as careless and out of line. It speaks of a soldier who is not in his present rank because of idleness and has neglected their duties. It also describes a person who is so rebellious that they cause disorder. Now the word “warn” is the same word as “admonish” in verse 12 and it is to caution or reprove gently. According to Paul it is not only the responsibility of the leadership to correct someone that is neglecting their duties to the Lord which is affecting others, it’s everybody’s responsibility. Saint’s we are acting as a peacemaker if we see someone in the body that is beginning to slip away,  we need to lovingly bring them to the word to correct their idleness. 

Comfort the fainthearted: The word “fainthearted” means the “little souled” and it describes someone that because of their situation or circumstance has quit coming to church. We have all at times been at the end of our rope and are struggling in our faith. The word “comfort” means to, “get close and speak tenderly to.”

 When we see someone going through tough stuff we need to get close to them and speak tenderly to them. The first part of this is to get close to them! Far too many times the Church looks like Jobs’ friends who tried to correct him without getting close to him. This will take discernment on our part as we certainly don’t want to encourage sinful and destructive actions by coming close and speaking tenderly.

Uphold the week: The context of the week here is to their spiritual state as being weak in the faith to the point that they are not able to stand. The word “uphold” means to hold up and carries the idea of teaching someone to walk by way of having them place their weight on you and lean on your balance. What a great picture of how to handle someone who can’t stand in their faith yet, you let them put their weight on you and you hold them up in the balance of the “Word of God and the Spirit of God.” 

The body is to respond not just the leadership in being a peacemaker. If we all take a role in this the church will continue to be a healthy one.  

Vs. 14b-24 Keys to a Healthy You

Now Paul moves on to seven things to make sure you are healthy before you can help someone else.

Vs. 14b BE PATIENT:  Notice that Paul says that they need to be patient “with all”. The goal of helping others is to see them grow in the Lord and the most important trait you can possess to be a part of change is patience. We can all try each other’s patience, so before you go deal with someone else you better deal with yourself.

Vs. 15 WATCH YOUR MOTIVES: Paul says that before we check out others’ hearts we need to check out our own heart. We are not to render evil for evil when we are dealing with someone that has done us wrong. Instead we need to act in a way that pursues good for both. I have noticed in my own life that it is easy to be right in a situation Biblically, yet behave wrongly.

Vs. 16 BE FULL OF JOY: The only way this can truly be accomplished is from having a heavenly perspective. When dealing with another person smile, make sure your heart is on the eternal perspective and not just the circumstance.

Vs. 17 PRAY CONTINUALLY: Be constantly in prayer. The word “without ceasing” is used in the Greek to describe a hacking cough that is not always audible. We are to be praying in our heart through the situation. The most important person to be praying for is just as much you as it is the other person!

Vs. 18 GIVE THANKS IN EVERYTHING: Notice that it does not say “for” everything. Paul chooses to say here that a thankful heart in the midst of every situation is God’s will for you. You cannot always thank God “for” the situation but you sure can thank Him “in” the situation for you know Him..

Vs. 19-21 HOLD ON TO THE WORD:  This was before the Bible was complete in fact the letter we are reading became part of the Bible. Paul warns them not to quench the Spirit of God by despising prophecy. There are two types of prophecies:

  • Foretelling: Which has to do with the future and no doubt spoke of the soon return of Jesus.
  • b.) Forth-telling: Which has to do with speaking the Word of God. 

They were not to quench the working of the Word of God through the Spirit of God. Instead they are told to hold fast that which is good. We ought to check out teachers by way of the Word of God and not by whether or not you liked what they had to say. Don’t get mad at the Bible teacher because you are convicted by what they teach because if it is the Bible that is being taught it is designed to hit you between the eyes, so praise the Lord.

Vs. 22-24 BE HOLY: Paul tells them to keep clear of anything that can be called unholy. In verse 23 he goes on to say that it is God who is the one that has set you apart for His pleasure and that it is His complete end to preserve you cause you to be blameless when you see Him face to face. What a comfort, we are all still in this process of being made more like Him which will only be completed when we are no longer in these bodies. The truth of this folks is not based upon our faithfulness but rather on His, (verse 24)! 

Vs. 25-28 Prayer, Fellowship, and the Word of Grace

Vs. 25-28 Paul concludes this letter with this benediction and four keys to maintain a healthy church:

  • Vs. 25 Prayer: The greatest thing you can do to insure a healthy Bitterroot Valley Calvary Chapel is pray for the church, one another, and especially the leadership!
  • Vs. 26 Fellowship: Back in those days that is how you greeted people that you loved to be with. So Paul is exhorting them to continue in a love relationship with each other.
  • Vs. 27 The Word of God: Here Paul commands that this letter be read to all, because it is the Word of God! Folks, a church that departs from the whole counsel of the Word will never be healthy no matter how large it gets.

Vs. 28 The Grace of God: All the above will not work if it is done in the strength of man. Folks, we must always be a church that operates in and through the grace of God!