About Us

About Pastor Dale Lewis

Thank you for checking out our website!

I has been my privilege and blessing to be involved in Pastoral ministry for close to 40 years, 35 of those years as a senior pastor in two different churches. With that many years of service you may think that I came to this calling naturally. But nothing could be further from this as I was born into a nonreligious home and had no Christian church upbringing! My home life was not normal either as my father died before my 5th birthday. My stepfather beat me for 11 years and my mother abandoned me.

By my senior year in high school I was living on my own. The one thing that was right in my life was the unconditional love I received from my high school girlfriend Donna, who was the first person in my 17 years of life that had ever said they loved me! While not a Christian, I believe that it was her love for me that God used as the pavement for the gospel. And at the young ages of 18-20 we were married. It was then that the Lord had done the work to bring in the gospel and at the age of 22 and 20 years of age we both became followers of Christ!

What a blessed transformation in our lives as we were blessed to be a part of a church that taught through the Bible verse by verse and also invited me to become a part of a discipleship group for a year. My faith took off as I found in Christ and God’s word the Father’s Love that I never knew was possible!

For the next 40 plus years we had 2 children and then three grandchildren, experienced walking by faith through many transitions from starting a business in the Jewelry industry, to bible college, starting a church and taking over one. Life was a journey and not just a destination and with Jesus’ walking beside us we continued to grow more in love with Him, each other, and those we were blessed to serve beside.

As many of you know that our journey of faith isn’t just for when things are going the way we think they should be but especially important when life turns your world upside down. I had that encounter in 2018-2019 when my best friend and wife Donna received the diagnoses of an extremely rare form of Leukemia. For the next 10 months we lived in hospitals outside of our area and then state, as she received chemotherapy and eventually a stem cell transplant in April of 2019.

Throughout those months the Lord was always faithful and good and never left us or forsook us. We never prayed for her healing; as His followers we knew that she was going to be healed and the only uncertainty was in what form it would take? Would in be temporarily physically or would it be enterally in a glorified body in heaven. We both agreed that eternally would be better! So instead of telling God what was best, we simply praised Him for what only He knew would glorify Himself the best!

After receiving the stem cell transplant in April of 2019 Donna was declared 100% cancer free on July 11th  of 2019 and went into the arms of Jesus on August 18th of 2019. God was just as “good” even though I didn’t get what I wanted! And only by pressing into Him can I continue to press on with Him! And like any “love story” God writes, (and He has written all of our love stories) the difficult part of any chapter in our life can only become enjoyable if you continue to read through that chapter.

And my chapter nor my book wasn’t over! By July of 2020 after only 10 days of communicating and a walk of faith I met and married on the same day Denise!

We continued to serve in the church for the next 3 ½ years but God was changing our road as it became increasing apparent that we were to serve together as blessing indigenous pastors throughout the world.

I retired in October of 2023, moved to Navarre, Florida where we didn’t know anyone to dedicate our lives together to do just that! And that my friend is what this website is all about!

Everything on here is FREE and we encourage you to take the material and verse by verse teaching through the books of the Bible that you find here and use them to help your personal or pastoral study. Teach from them use them to help aide your study give them away…simply do whatever the Holy Spirit prompts you to do with them. The only thing we ask is that you don’t sell them or publish them as we want them to remain FREE! Denise and I are also available to teach and minister at your churches, conferences, and bible schools and this too is FREE as the Lord provides and directs us we will go!                                   

About Denise Lewis

First, I would like to thank you for visiting our site. Our prayer is that the tools provided would deepen your walk with Christ!

My name is Denise Lewis and I have had the honor of being Dale’s wife since July 2020. I have been a believer for many years, but until I met and married Dale, I did not have a full understanding of the Word of God. I would read the Bible, but many times it was just something I knew I should do, and I didn’t fully understand it. Once Dale showed me how to study the Bible through the Inductive Bible Study method, it began to become alive and speak to me! God has now been using me to speak and teach other women in the USA and around the world which is such a blessing!

I had also never been to a church that taught verse by verse through the Bible and honestly it was overwhelming at first, but once I began to study and understand, I now can’t imagine any other way. Most churches teach topically, meaning they choose a topic such as Faith, and then they seek out scriptures relating to faith and teach from that. While this is not false teaching, it is not teaching the whole and full counsel of God. When learning verse by verse, you begin to understand the history of what was happening at that time, the culture at that time, who was writing, who were they writing to, why did God prompt them to write the message, and how do we apply that to our lives today. This makes such a huge difference!

I pray that through the notes and messages provided on this site that you will have exponential growth in your spiritual lives and teach others to do the same.

May God richly bless you!