I John – Outline | Fellowship

This is the outline we will use to study the book of I John

Chp. 1:1-4 Introduction: “The Basis of Fellowship”: Fellowship with God

Chp. 1:5, 2:1, 26 and 5:13 Statement of purpose:  “The Objectives of Fellowship”:     “These things we write to you

  1. 1:5 “Fullness of joy
    1. 2:1 “Freedom from sin
    1. 2:26 “Foresightedness against deception”   
    1. 5:13 “Faith filled assurance

Chp. 1:12-3:16 Main body of teaching:

  • 1:5-2:14 Conditions of fellowship
  • 1:5-7 Walk in the Light
  • 1:8-2:2 Confession of sin
  • 2:3-6 Obey His Word
  • 2:7-14 Love one another
    • 2:15-27 Cautions to fellowship
  • 2:15-17 Love of the world
  • 2:18-27 Listening to the Liar        
    • 2:28-5:3 Characteristics of fellowship
  • 2:28-3:3 Practice purity
  • 3:4-12 Remain in righteousness
  • 3:13-24 Confidence in His commandment to love
  • 4:1-6 Testing truths
  • 4:7-5:3 Linger in love lavished on us
    • 5:4-21 Consequences of fellowship
  • 5:4-5 Victory over the world
  • 5:6-13 Assurance of eternal life
  • 5:14-17 Confidence in prayer
  • 5:18-20 Deliverance from practicing sin 

Chp. 5:21 ClosingFellowships enemy”