John | Chapter 7

c. 7:1-9:41 New light (Second truth 8:12)

John 7:1-24

“Wonder next to our wanderings”

I. Intro.

II. Vs. 1-10 Bothered brothers

III. Vs. 11-24 Mixed up multitude


The personal recognition of our Lord is what we see is the main theme in this section. One of the great wonders of the Bible is the fact that Jesus own brothers didn’t recognize His deity, the educated religious leaders who studied the Word of God refused to submitted their hearts to Him and most he nation stood willing outside His out stretched loving arms. What this brings into focus comes against our standard understanding of learning:

  • Vs. 1-10 Brothers: We tend to think that familiarity to a subject brings acceptance but it this case familiarity brought about contempt.
  • Vs. 11-12 Jews: We tend to believe that education and learning brings about understanding but in this case it brought about willing ignorance.
  • Vs. 13-14, 20 Nation: We tend to think that continual contact with that which is good and beneficial causes personal application but in this case it brought about rejection.    

In each of these three groups of people what we would have thought would have brought about acceptance, understanding and application did in fact bring about the exact opposite response. And as such is the case we can see that the reason these negative responses lies with in the heart of the student.   

Vs. 1-10 Bothered brothers

Vs. 1-2 This word “walked” is the same as recorded in 6:66 where we were told concerning the followers of Jesus that they “went back and walked with Him no more”. In other words there were those who found His words too hard to accept and chose not to walk with Him but He continued to walk after them. It was during this six month season that Jesus went up to Caesarea Philippi near Mount Hermon where we have recorded in (Matt. 16:13-20, Mark  8:27-30 and Luke 9:18-21) Peter’s 2nd confession “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” and now He has returned to Galilee. 

            Hey friends I find it quite reassuring that though I may come to a place where following Him seems to difficult for me so much so that for a time I turn back and choose to not walk with Him. But note this my hurting friend, Jesus hangs around the area waiting for our hearts to change towards Him. There are times we may give up on Jesus for a season but He has not given up on us. Hey but notice as well that we are told in verse 2 that Jesus stayed away from the followers in Judea for over a year and a half as they sought to kill Him. A continued hard heart towards Him will keep His love away form you, but what a tragedy.  

The timing of these events are of further interest as we are told that it took place around the time of the Feast of the Tabernacles, which is in October and in chapter 6:4 we were told that at the start of that chapter that it was around April so around 6 months has passed. The “Feast of Tabernacles” looked back to Israel’s wonderings in the wilderness and at the same time forward to the time when the Messiah would come and “dwell among” them as John spoke of in 1:14. Jerusalem was filled with large lit candlesticks at night to remind them that God guided them with fire at night. Then during the day there would be a procession led by the priests from the Pool of Siloam where they would then pour it out reminding them of the provision of the water from the rock. A time when the nation gathered in Jerusalem to commemorate God’s presence in provision and protection during their 40 year wondering in the wilderness. They camped out in lean-tos’ and celebrated the fact that for 40 years God camped out “tabernacled among” them and there in their midst was the very One in whom John spoke of in 1:14 who was doing what they were celebrating. Hey friends could it be that right now during your wanderings that our Lord has His tent right next to yours protecting you, providing for you even though you have wondered from Him? Won’t you open the flap of your heart and per out into the haze of your life and see Him at the door of your heart?     

Vs. 3-10 There are many references in scripture of Mary and Joseph bearing children after Jesus (Matt. 13:55-56, Mark 6:1-6) which would makes these brothers ½ brothers who despite His living among them during childhood and early adult years never came to see His uniqueness. Further based upon verse 3 and 4 they had clearly heard and seen His miraculous works, yet they hadn’t trusted Him yet as Lord until after the crucifixion and resurrection. In Matthew 13:55 we are given the four brothers names where we are told, “Is this not the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas?” So after two rejections in Capernaum now we have His own brothers not believing that He is the Messiah. They came up to Him and challenged Him to go up to Jerusalem and make Him self known. “You got words and works brother why not make them known so people can see if you are who you say you are?” Sometimes we are under the opinion that what causes folks to believe our testimony concerning Jesus is our perfection but that’s not the case, in fact it is not even His perfection that does. Consider this Jesus had grown up among His younger brothers and at no time did He ever pick on them or make fun of them. They could never think of a time a time big brother Jesus was anything but loving and truthful towards them, there was nothing in their memory that would come against His statements concerning Himself now. Yet here we are told that “even His brothers did not believe in Him” now later on we know that both James and Jude do become believers but not until His death and resurrection for them. So what does this suggest to us? Well that our trust in Jesus comes from a personal understanding of His substitutionary sacrifice on our behalf which has two parts that we must own ourselves:

  1. Our personal need: No one will come to Jesus, no matter how true His words and how good His works if we don’t see our need. I suggest to you that this was what was behind Jesus’ brother not believing they didn’t as yet know of their need. 
  2. His goodness: Second we must be convinced of His goodness after we recognize our need and this could only be truly seen after His death and resurrection on their behalf.

Allow me one other comment on verse 5 and that is that if Jesus being their brother didn’t grant them any special privileges, some golden V.I.P. tickets neither will our relationship with those who have loved and trusted Jesus. No, friend you will have to make Him your Lord and Savior just as James and Jude did.

Based upon this passage Jesus four brothers had four pieces of advice for their older brother concerning His ministry:

  1. Vs. 3a “Depart from here and go to Judea”: You need a bigger audience, why are you staying in the sticks brother?
  2. Vs. 3b “Your disciples also may see the works You are doing”: You got followers in the city that need to see what those in hick town are seeing, these abandoned followers need you as well.
  3. Vs. 4a “For now one does anything in secret while He Himself seeks to be known openly”: You need to change your strategy for reaching people as your public relations department isn’t doing a good job.
  4. Vs. 4b “If You do these things, show Yourself to the world”: Since You are doing these things don’t waste Your gifts and time on the unnoticed and unimportant.

These reasoning sounds like many church growth seminars today, get a bigger audience, don’t leave your support team, change your strategy to meet the felt needs of people and don’t waste your resources on those that don’t matter. Accept when you read John’s commentary concerning this worldly council to reach the world as John says in verse 5 “For even His brothers did not believe in Him”.  

Simply put this strategy was based upon unbelief instead of faith. How these poor brothers of Jesus who had played with Him laughed and cried with Him slept in the same bedroom as He had could not see beyond their limitations. He was there ½ brother, He was one of them surely had He been someone as God the Son they would have recognized it. To these four brothers their experiential comprehension blocked their biblical understanding. And Jesus tells them the reason why they don’t believe because unlike Him they refused to trust and obey in spite of lack of understanding. They wanted Him to prove His claim of being the Messiah the Lamb of God but this was the wrong feast for that. Oh how their contempt must of broke His heart for them as there is nothing more painful than to see those that you live with suffer in unbelief. So when He went up it was not as they had advised in a Messianic declaration which He would 6 months from then at the Passover but He would go into the temple and teach. There is no contradiction between Jesus words and action with regards to His brother’s request to go up to Jerusalem for the feast as they asked Him to do so publicly to which He declined and instead went privately. Timing is everything for those who are submitted to the will of God, far too often we here the voice of God on a matter and don’t wait for His timing. 

Vs. 11-24 Mixed up multitude

Vs. 11-14 When Jesus did come up to Jerusalem He found in turmoil as to His character and teaching, His presence polarized the nation and everybody had an opinion about Him, my how things haven’t changed. The Jews had already determined that if anyone spoke openly of Jesus being the Messiah they would not be allowed in the temple. Things haven’t changed much as today of your Jewish yet believe in Jesus as your Messiah you can’t become a citizen of Israel. There is no neutrality concerning Jesus He is always causing folks to decide upon who He is. There were three groups of people that entered into the debate concerning Jesus:

a. Vs. 11 The Jews: These were the religious leaders who disagreed theologically from each other but did agree in their opposition of Jesus.

b. Vs. 12 The People: These were the multitudes that had come up to the feast in Jerusalem and were not up to date of the latest things with Jesus.

c. Vs. 25 Those from Jerusalem: This group was citizens from the city and were aware of the religious leaders desire to kill Jesus.

The first debate (verses 11-13) between the Jews and the people seemed to be centered on His character. But the second debate (verses 14-19) they had centered around His teaching. Though His presence wasn’t known it was discussed and His identity debated caused division. It never ceases to amaze me that societies continue to debate and divide over the identity of Jesus. You don’t see documentaries on the History channel debating the historic Joseph Smith, or the truth concerning Mohamed or Buddha, not in this country or any where else in the world. Why is that? Well I believe it is because deep down folks realize the others regardless of their claims aren’t true. This is the 2nd time Jesus goes into the temple and when He did we were told in 2:13 that He cleansed the temple but here He comes in and teach in the temple. He is a “Good Man” said some no doubt revering to His healings and others said “Well have you heard that He goes against the religious teaching?” So to most His words weren’t in sink with His deeds!

Folk’s that seems to me how the Word of God works in my heart He always comes in and cleanses it before He comes in and teaches me. The things of the world need to be driven out before He can come in and speak to me, so perhaps before we break open the Word we need to first ask the Lord to come and break open the door of our heart and see if we have some tables from the world lodged their that need to be over turned, something’s from the world running loose then need to be driven out.

Vs. 15-24 The first thing that seems to confound folks about His teaching had to do with authority as He had no graduate degree from the recognized Rabbinical schools yet He knew the scriptures so well and never quoted other authorities or commentaries just quoted the Word. The ancient historians tells us that there were over 30 Rabbinical schools around Jerusalem at this time the two most famous were Hillel, Shammai and Jesus hadn’t spent a day in any of there classrooms. Yet when He spoke they marveled at the wisdom and truth of His words. Later on in Acts chapter 4:13 when Peter and John spoke to the Sanhedrin the truths concerning Jesus they toke note that they were “uneducated and untrained men…and they realized that they had been with Jesus.” Hey folks, it’s not what you know it’s who you know that makes a difference. So if you and I have been hanging out with the master He is bound to rub off on us and from us to others. The greatness of our Lord is clearly seen not in our education but in his ability to use those whom others would call “uneducated and untrained”!  

Jesus says in verse 17, “If you practice what I say by turning from your sin, trusting in Me, receiving My forgiveness and demonstrate this by a changed life you will know that My words come from My Father.” You see Jesus ties together comprehension with application, the problem with most of us isn’t that we don’t understand it is that we don’t apply what we do, obedience is the door by which comprehension enters. 

Hey folks we learn by doing there is a sense by which all of Christianity is an apprenticeship program by which we are on the job training. This truth stands, “Those who put into practice the truth they hear begin to grow immediately.”  It is obedience to the Word heard that causes growth and it is the lack of this that causes people who have heard the truth but not applied it to stay the same. In the 18th verse we have a mark of an authentic teacher and it has to do with who gets the glory. If I stand up here week after week and speak of how great I am and how blessed you are to have me and continue to speak of my greatness I would be a false teacher regardless of the content. Friends, any teaching or doctrine that makes God great and strengthens our dependence and surrender to Him while lessoning man kind’s goodness and self effort is most likely on the money.                   

            Jesus makes a good argument concerning circumcision as we are told in Gen. 17 that it was to occur 8 days after birth. So weren’t concerned if something was cut away on the Sabbath but they were concerned of someone was made whole on the Sabbath. That is what religion is concerned with those things that cut away at the flesh where holiness is measured by how miserable we are instead of how happy we are. Go to Matthew 5: 3-11 and ready Jesus words when He says “Blessed are” or oh how happy are the poor in spirit, those that mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, etc. Jesus isn’t declaring some sort of masochistic ritual by which we take pleasure in displeasure. No He is declaring that our healing can only take place when we die to our old fleshly nature. “Jesus died that we might live, we die to our self’s that He would live through us”. You see they were all caught up in the death and in so doing they lost what the death was to bring life and healing!                 

Here were these religious leaders who were educated and intelligent who claimed to obey God’s Word yet they were secretly planning to kill Him. Hey folks, and educated mind is no guarantee of a pure heart, it is a submitted will and a broken and contrite heart that does that. Satan offered Adam and Eve knowledge but it was knowledge that was obtained through disobedience instead of obedience. The first debate was with the religious leaders in which the people entered into it. The Jews broke the Sabbath law to have their sons circumcised on the 8th day as they felt that the law of circumcision supersedes the law of the Sabbath. So Jesus said the law of doing good to others supersedes the law of the Sabbath as well. His argument if cut off something and causes pain and death is ok how much more that which restores and brings life? The reason they didn’t see this argument was that they judged on the appearance and not on what is right.       

John 7:25-53

“The Well of Salvation”

I. Intro.

II. Vs. 25-39 Rivers of living water

III. Vs. 40-53 Another prophet from Galilee


Chronologically we are just outside of Peter’s 2nd confession at Caesarea Philippi which was immediately followed by Jesus continual pronouncement that He was heading to the cross to be killed but would be raised the third day (Matt. 16:21) which was only 6 months away. Before we look at this passage in its entirety look with me to a phrase John repeats twice with regards to Jesus as He spoke:

  1. First in verse 28 we are told, “Then Jesus cried out, as He taught in the temple”. The crowds were all about John and the rest of the disciples gathered next to Him hearing the murmuring of the crowd as to His identity and John records that Jesus cried out as He taught. Those words speak to the passion in which He spoke not merely the volume and they suggest to me a heart that grieves for the confusion with regard to His identity, oh not for His sake but for theirs. In Eph. 4:30 Paul says don not grieve the Holy Spirit in whom we were sealed. Friends I ponder the depth of that as I believe at that moment out Lord was being grieved by the confusion. In Matthew 23:37 Jesus said, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!
  2. The 2nd time In John we read this is in verse 37 where again we read, “Jesus stood and cried out”. The picture is rather emotional to me the sense of longing and passion for those who regardless of what they may have thought of Him He was about to offer them ALL Himself knowing full well that only a scant few would drink of Him.    

What ever we may see in this section can only be interpreted through His loving passion for those who at that same moment were confused or rejection Him.

Vs. 25-39 Rivers of living water

Vs. 25-29 Those in and around Jerusalem knew of the religious leaders desire to kill Jesus (5:18) and what caused them wonder had to do with the fact that Jesus was teaching openly. Their conclusion was perhaps the Religious leaders had accepted Him as their Messiah. These folks couldn’t see the truth as they were blinded by what they thought knew. It was taught by the Rabbis out of Isaiah 53 that no one would know where the Messiah would come from, so since they knew that He grew up in Nazareth and based upon verse 42 didn’t know that He was born in Bethlehem they ruled Jesus out. But clearly they didn’t realize that He wasn’t from Nazareth or from Bethlehem as He had declared in 6:42 “I have come down from heaven”. In Malachi 3:1 the prophet wrote “Behold, I send My messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come into His temple.” So the Jews thought that the emphasis upon “suddenly” meant that know one would know where He came from instead of that it would come at an unexpected or anticipated time. So Jesus turns this around on them and says, “Do you really know me and where I’m from?” “You think you know where I come from but you don’t.” Then He continued to tell them why they didn’t know where He was from because they didn’t know God. Jesus told them that He wasn’t merely born into this world He was sent into this world by the Father (verse 28-29) and in saying this Jesus is again asserting His deity that is why we are told of their reaction in verse 30.

Vs. 30-36 We have two very different responses concerning His declaration in verses 28-29.  

  1. First in verse 31 we have an unexpected response as we are told that “many believed in Him” as their pride didn’t hinder the truth from piercing their hearts.
  2. Then in verse 32-36 we are told that the religious leaders sent officers to take Him. Jesus answers them by declaring that indeed they do know Him and they also knew where He was from a clear declaration of His deity as seen by their attempt to lay hands upon Him to kill Him. Jesus isn’t concerned about the folks coming to arrest Him in fact in verse 33-34 He goes on to give them His itinerary. I love to read Jesus response to people especially with those who are angry at Him, as He always spoke the truth in love. He didn’t live in fear of men; He wasn’t worried about reputation or gaining a following as He had His sight on the prize. It is obvious that Jesus’ words concerning His ascension brought confusion, “What is He talking about going that we can not come?” Look with me at verses 32-36, 45-47. In verses 34-36 Jesus speaks in verb tenses that indicated that even though He was only ten feet away as if He was not there, (where I am you cannot come). No wonder why they said no man ever spoke like this man. The chief priests wanted to know in verse 45 why the officers hadn’t brought Jesus to them and their only answer was to say that even though He was right in front of them He told them “You will seek Me and not find Me, where I am you can not come”. “Where is Jesus?” they responded to the religious leaders, “Well He told us that we couldn’t come where He was so we didn’t”. “What do you mean, are you out of your mind He was less then 10 feet in front of you. Yeh but no one ever spoke like Him before.”

Vs. 37-39 That wanted to know how Jesus was going to be able to fulfill what He said, was He going away to where the gentile lands? His answer is to be found in verses 37-38. Now remember that John is writing this gospel 70 years after the events and that means this is post Pentecost and what Jesus said here was fulfilled as the Church was empowered to be His witness, making Him visible in the world.

Hey folks, people thirst for many things don’t they:

  • They search for a meaning to life
  • A purpose or calling
  • Significance, something that sets them apart from others

And what Jesus proclaims to them that regardless the reason why they thirst if they but come to Him they will not only be filled with what they long for it will flow from their lives to others. Notice though how this thirst is to be satisfied, “Let Him come to Me and drink” Jesus gives them four things they must do:

  1. If anyone thirsts: First a person must recognize their need that is always the first step and in so doing they would need to recognize that what they are trying to quench there thirst with isn’t working.
  2. Let Him: Second, it must be personal, someone else can’t go for you, can’t have your friend or spouse stand in for you. That’s a humbling thing isn’t it? Maybe you have spent your life in this quest for meaning, purpose, significance and have invested everything towards this goal, you have to be willing to abandon all pursuits.
  3. Come to Me: Third, you can’t go some where else, you must come to Jesus if you are going to find that what you heart longs for met. This further suggests to me that you can’t just add Jesus to this to cover all your bases it is Him in exclusion to everything and everyone else.
  4. And drink: Finally, knowing that you need to drink won’t help you must drink and in the Greek the verb tenses reveal that is continue to come and continue to drink as it is not just a one time deal and you can go back the way you were.

The result is that you will not only be fulfilled personally you will be a blessing a fountain yourself. On each of the seven preceding days water was drawn from a golden pitcher from the pool of Siloam and carried in procession to the temple and offered by the priests as the people sang form Isaiah 12:3 “Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” But on the final day of the feast the priests who had gone to the pool each day stood with empty pitchers and held them up before the people and quoted out of Isaiah 44:3 saying “For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your offspring”, which was speaking of what God would do once they entered the promised land, you see the feast was not only in remembrance of the past it was in anticipation of the future. 

 Now what’s cool is that the name of the pool in which they got the water was Siloam and in Hebrew the name means the “Sent One” it is also called in Neh. 2:14 the Kings pool. And many commentators believe that it was at this very moment as they raised the pitcher’s that Jesus the “Sent One” cried out saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the scripture has said, out of the heart will flow rivers of living water.” There is a very interesting prophecy in Zech. 14:8 as the prophet spoke of this time saying, “In that day it shall be that living waters shall flow from Jerusalem..” and on this day as the pitchers were empty Jesus says, “I am the well of salvation, come and drink and you will never need to go anywhere else again.” Now John adds his commentary of Jesus words saying, “But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.” The long awaited “Sent One” had come and invited all who have a thirst to drink of Him and having done so they wouldn’t need to seek water to fulfill them from the outside as Jesus says, “out of his heart will flow rivers of living water”.  

Hey folks, there is a difference in the Holy Spirit being in you and the Holy Spirit flowing from you. The Bible speaks of  three works of the Holy Spirit distinguished by three different verb tenses, alongside, in and upon. Now the Holy Spirit had been alongside people drawing them into a relationship with Jesus. Then in John 20:22 we will read that “when He (Jesus) had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit”, that is when the Holy Spirit came to indwell them. That only leaves one other encounter with the Holy Spirit and that is found in Acts chapter 1:5-8 fulfilled in Acts chapter 2 when Jesus told them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father. Now follow me on this folks according to John 20:22 if they already received the Holy Spirit at that time what was it they needed to wait for, what is this Promise of the Father, is it just to be indwelt? In Luke 24:49 Jesus told them, “Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you, but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.”  Then again in Acts 1:8 Jesus tells them, “you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come UPON you.” Power for what? Well Jesus said, “You shall be witness to Me in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” I believe that Jesus is speaking here of the UPON experience of the book of Acts and not the indwelling work of John 20:22 as the Holy Spirit is described by His words as flowing from their lives not merely indwelling them. You see the question is not whether or not a believer has the Holy Spirit because we know that we do, no the question is does the Holy Spirit have us? In the 47th chapter of Ezekiel there is a curious vision the prophet is given by which he is taken to the back door of the temple and he sees that water is flowing from under the threshold of the temple. Ezekiel is given a measuring rod as he leaves the gate and the first measurement is the water is ankle deep the next time he measures it is up to his knees, the third it is up to his waste and final time he takes a measurement it is over his head so deep that a person would have to swim “a river so deep that it could not be crossed” we are told. Ezekiel is told in verse 9 “It shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live…. everything will live wherever the river goes.” Then in verse 12 he is told “Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.” Friends what a great description of infilling of the Holy Spirit in a persons life, a life where there is variety, where the leaves of our faith do not wither, and the fruit of the Spirit does not fail. Hey saints, what a great illustration of the work of the Holy Spirit, you are led into the temple where your feet are wet in the Spirit, then He takes you ankle deep as you stand in the promises of God. Ah but finally He takes you to the place where you plunge in over your head where the river sweeps you off your feet and takes you to where “everything will live wherever the river goes”.  Hey, remember that old Maranatha song “I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me, makes the lamb to walk and the blind to see, opens prison doors and sets the captives free, I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me.

Vs. 40-53 Another prophet from Galilee

Vs. 40-53 There was a division a “split” among the people concerning Jesus as we are told in verse 43 and it stemmed from what their perception of Him was He, a prophet, or the Messiah? All they had to do was listen to what He said about Himself as the guards who had come to take Him captive were themselves captivated saying, “No man ever spoke like this Man”. Hey folks, some “split” when they come face to face with Jesus others who come to take Him captive end up “captivated” when they come into contact with Jesus. I suppose right now there are those that are thinking about splitting and others that remain because He is captivating. Nicodemus had come ready to split hairs but ended up being captivated and you can see the progression of this as here as he is moving towards being a captive of Jesus love as we shall see in 19:39 he comes to the tomb of Jesus out of devotion. What caused this change? Well it was the cross, you see at the cross the debate is over all the arguments disappear. 

They accuse Nicodemus, the teacher of all Israel, of being stupid and told him to go back and study the scriptures saying that he would never find a prophet from the area of Galilee. Now actually according to 2 Kings 14:25 there was a prophet from Gath-hepher which was about 2 miles from Nazareth in the region of Galilee the prophet’s name? His name we are told was Jonah, the same Jonah whose book bares his name.  Apparently in 2 Kings 14 he spoke of the restoration of the land to its ancient boundaries and in the book that bares his name preached reluctantly to a gentile nation causing their conversion. Now Jesus said of Jonah in Matthew 12:39-41, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here.” Is that not amazing that the religious leaders didn’t remember that Jonah was from Galilee and Jesus used his story as the illustration of His death burial and resurrection? Finally we are told that the feast was over and they rolled up their tents and went back into there houses, so how about it we have just camped out with Jesus are you wanting to pack it in and go home or ready to spend some time hanging around the Lord?