John | Chapter 18

a. 18:1-19:42 The passion

John 18:1-14

“In the garden of glory”  

I. Intro.

II. Vs. 1-6 Whom are you seeking?

III. Vs. 7-11 Ears to hear

IV. Vs. 12-14 Arrested and bound


Chapter’s 13-14 happen while Jesus is in the upper room and chapter’s 15-17 happen some where along the road to the Garden and we know this as in the 18th chapter Jesus is at the Garden. You can not read chapters 18-19 of John’s account without noticing how he specifically selects the events that he writes about. For instance all the other accounts give us the story of Gethsemane the garden of Jesus’ pressing and yet it was John who with Peter and Andrew went further into the garden then the other writers. He witnessed the agony yet he chooses not to speak of the agony only of the glory.

It is in the garden of glory where man will do his worst and Jesus will respond by doing His best as we are told by Paul in Rom. 5:20 “But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound”. There are several things in the story before us that stand out to me but they are objects rather than people and when laid next to each other they reveal a series of contrasts between the world and the Word of God.

Vs. 1-6 Whom are you seeking?

Vs. 1 John describes the journey from the upper room to the garden saying that they passed over the book called Kidron. Now this brook was almost always dry except when it rained and during the Passover when the blood of the sacrifices ran like a stream from below the eastern wall of the temple. The name Kidron has two meaning “the brook of cedars” and “to become black” and by implication “sad”. Now 100’s of years earlier during the time of David he sinned by numbering the people to ascertain the strength of the nation when their true strength was not in numbers but in the Lord. So when the Romans wanted to know how many people were in Jerusalem the priests told them they could count the sheep of the sacrifice instead. During one Passover Josephus tells us that they sacrificed 256,000 lambs. It was so bad that the Roman’s built three aqueducts to wash the blood down from the brook Kidron but it would turn black and stink. Across this same brook David the king left the city after being betrayed by his son Absalom and like Jesus his close adviser Ahithophel hanged himself.      

My point in bring this up is as Jesus crossed over this brook called “darkness” or sadness under His feet was a river of a ¼ of a million sacrificed lambs for the sin of the nation. So there walked the Lamb of God ready to be sacrificed crossing over the blood of sacrificed lambs. It was this same brook that during the time when Hezekiah was king that he cleansed the temple and all the debris that was found was carried to this brook to be disposed of. Both of which picture the sacrifice Jesus was about to under go as the Lamb of God.   

And having crossed over Jesus and his disciples came to a private garden where the wealthy planted things because it was against the law to spread manure in the city. Gethsemane means “oil press” where the olives would be crushed to extract their oil. Today this garden is a part of the Catholic Church that is there and you can walk through this garden and apparently this was a favorite spot for Jesus to go with His disciples for prayer and fellowship right out side of the city. You may recall that human history began in a garden called Eden and it was man’s rebellion that caused our fall but Jesus entered a garden in obedience to deliver man from his fall. Revelation 21-22 speak of yet another garden where there is a pure river of water of life flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb where each tree will yield its fruit every month and leaves of the tree will be for the healing of the nations and there will be no more curse.

Hum, interesting Jesus went into a garden where the world’s manure was, a place where crushing took place, where great drops of blood according to Luke 22:44 was extracted from Him. At once we are reminded that in the beginning there was Adam in a garden and satan came into that garden to rip man kind off. And this time we see the second Adam come into a garden to restore that which was lost.

Consider further the two Adams:

  • In a garden the first Adam rebelled against God, in a garden the second Adam submitted to God.
  • In a garden the first Adam hid from God, I a garden the second Adam went forward for God.
  • In a garden the first Adam man was driven out because of Sin, in a garden the second Adam came to be prepared to be a sin offering.

That which was lost in a garden called Eden was reclaimed in a garden called Gethsemane.  

Vs. 2 Judas knew the favorite location of Jesus and His disciples to pray at night when they were in Jerusalem and he used that knowledge to betray our Lord. Judas had lived by the Lord’s side for over three years had listened to His words, observed His works yet never knew Him. How is this possible you ask? Well it is when what we are looking for is something from a person rather than just than the person. About the only thing we can recall of Judas with regards to obedience to the words of Jesus is to be found in his response to Jesus words in the upper room in 13:27 “What you do, do quickly”.

Is it not interesting that Judas knew right where to find Jesus during a time of need, a place of prayer. When the world is stressed out, overwhelmed by the events of the day they head over to the place where “everybody knows there name” but will forget it by the next day. Ah but when a Christian is wiped out by the day he heads to a the throne where the Father will always know His name. How sad it is that unredeemed man finds obedience to the world of rebellion that leads to death easier than obedience to the word of love that leads to life!   

Vs. 3 The word “detachment” is a word in Greek that can mean as few as 600 and as many as 1200 men. So even if we take the smaller number of 600 with lanterns and torches we get the picture that they meant business and had everything necessary for the man hunt but what they didn’t expect was that He would be in the first place they looked right out in the open. The world comes crashing into the garden with lanterns, torches and weapons. Even more interesting to me is that I believe that finding Jesus here in the garden was no surprise for Judas, which ought to have caused him to reexamine his betrayal.   

Apparently Judas drew near and identified Jesus with a kiss this caused the disciples to ask, “Lord, shall we strike with the sword” and Peter not waiting for Jesus to reply took his sword and cut off the High priests servant’s ear, (Jesus touched and restored him). Disciples of rabbis would kiss their rabbi as a sign of devotion and obedience and Judas stood with the world and against the Word of God at this very moment. Finally Jesus asked the chief priests and the captains of the temple, “Have you come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs?” “When I was with you daily in the temple, you did not try to seize Me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.” Consider this from two perspectives:

  1. From the perspective to whom they claimed Jesus was just a Galilean peasant, so why bring out an army against an unarmed man who had made no threats?
  2. Ah but from the perspective of Jesus being the Son of God what army could possible subdue Him?

Vs. 4-6 John records for us this important commentary, “Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward”. In other words John is telling us that this was no surprise attack, no situation by which Jesus was some how caught of guard but a voluntary surrender. Jesus didn’t act as a wanted man; He wasn’t hiding in some cave as they had prepared for. And instead of running He comes foreword and asks “Whom are you seeking?” Judas was a man of wasted opportunities and despised privileges and in the end he brought 600 men armed to capture a Lamb who went willing out of love for the very one who betrayed Him. The soldiers were ready for confrontation and conflict and instead they saw calmness and control as the word brought them to the ground. David wrote in Psalm 27:1-3 “The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came against me To eat up my flesh, My enemies and foes, They stumbled and fell. Though an army may encamp against me, My heart shall not fear; Though war should rise against me, In this I will be confident.

Friend I rather think Jesus still is asking those who are out to put and end to Him the same question. There are a great many of folks who pretend to be devoted to the Lord and obey His word but in reality choose to stand with the world against the very One they verbally pledge allegiance too and in reality are behaving like Judas. The world has little problem with a man named Jesus, they will put him in the category of a lot of historic folks, some will even admire him. Ah but the moment He is God the Son well them come out to destroy Him.

Jesus said unto them in verse 5, “Ego Eimi” and as you will notice the “HE” is in italics which mean’s that it was inserted by the translators.  So what Jesus really said was “I am” and that is a direct reference to His deity no wonder they drew back and fell to the ground. And at the words of “I am” those who came to arrest Him fell to the ground just a small demonstration of what could have His arresting army’s destruction at His mere word. As Paul said in Romans 14:11 “Every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” To those who had come expecting confrontation they were halted in their attempt by what can only be understood as the glory of the Son of God.  

Vs. 7-11 Ears to hear

Vs. 7-11 And with 600 men laying on the ground clamoring to gather their swords as well as themselves He asked them again whom they sought. I wonder if this time they whispered His name afraid of the same reaction. “I have told you That I am He”, Jesus said. “If you seek Me, let these go their way” and all but Peter and John ran off. Friends even at His wrongful arrest Jesus concern was for others and not Himself.    

It was Thomas in 11:16 who said to Jesus that he was ready to die for Jesus but it was Peter who demonstrated in misguided zeal his willingness to do so. Just prior to this Jesus had told His disciples that were ready to defend Him in Matt. 26:53 “do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?” You may recall in the other gospel accounts that while Jesus was praying three times that this cup (the cross) might pass but nevertheless the Father’s will be done Peter was asleep. Consider the fact that Jesus upon His second inquiry of whom they sought could have just simply said I am He and walked away and there was nothing they could do about it, but instead He willing went and only requested that His followers be allowed to go their way. That in a nut shell my friends is the gospel, He was arrested that the captives may be set free.  

Peter makes the mistake oft repeated by those professing faith in Jesus “Trying to prove his faith by the sword, while he could not do so by his tongue.” The servant’s name “Malchus” means king and it will be a relative of his who in verse 26 will be the second to question Peter with regards to being a follower of Jesus. I bet it was a bit difficult for Peter to witness to Malchus after this don’t you, I mean how are we to share our faith if we go our whacking off the people we are trying to reach with the word? Judas action is rebellion against the WORD of God while Peter’s action is rebellion against the WILL of God and many of us have taking out our sword from its sheath to fight against the will of God in our lives. He fought the wrong enemy, used the wrong weapon, had the wrong motive, and accomplished the wrong result! He was openly resisting the will of God and hindering the work that Jesus came to accomplish! While we admire his courage and sincerity, it was certainly a demonstration of zeal without knowledge. His failure can be traced to the fact that he was arguing when he should have been listening, sleeping when he should have been praying.

Friends, we don’t have to hack people up to get God’s work down. We are told in 1 Kings 19:35 that one angel of the Lord killed 185,000 soldiers in one night and Jesus told Peter in Matt. 26:53 that 12 legions of angels were ready to take on those who came, and a legion is 6,000 which = 72,000. Now do the math 1 angel = 185,000 soldiers multiply that by 72,000 angels each who could take out 185,000 soldiers and then means they could have in one night taken out over 13 billion which is double the worlds present population. In other words He doesn’t need our help! G. Campbell Morgan observes, “When a man unsheathes his sword, and aims at a man’s head but only gets an ear, it is a poor aim.” I can imagine Jesus looking at Peter with that look that says, “I have 72,000 angels ready to come here and defend Me and I need you cutting of a servants ear? I need that like….well a whole in the head!” In 50 days Peter would unsheathe his sword by the Spirit of God but his aim was the heart of man and 3000 would be brought to life. It was the grace of God that picked up the ear and healed Malchus as it probably kept the authorities from adding a forth cross to put Peter on. Jesus’ words here are good to remember “put the sword into the sheath. Shall I not drink the cup which the Father has given Me?” Oh how better served our Lord would be if we regularly took up the cup in His blood and lay down the sword. What’s in you hand the cup of humility or the sword of self protection?         

Hey saint’s we need to be careful when we whip out the sword of the word in zeal to defend our Lord as we may be whacking off the ability of those we are trying to reach. The word of God is not a sword to swing as much as it is a scalpel to be handled with compassion and care. The last recorded miracle of Jesus’ life is this incident found in Luke 22:51 where we are told that Jesus bent down picked up Malchus’ ear and healed him. In Exodus 29:20 we are told that when the High Priest was installed they were take the blood of “the ram, and  put it on the tip of the right ear ” to signify that the High priest should always have his ear open to the Lord. Friends, I find it interesting that the last miracle of Jesus was the restoration of the damage done by one of His followers on His behalf. There in lies a great lesson for us the Word of God is not to be used to take away the hearing of truth but to restore it so we need to ask ourselves, “Does the use of the Word of God in this situation going to take away a persons ability to hear the truth or restore?” It is interesting to note that many of the trophies that are awarded the winners of contests are shaped like a cup to symbolize that sacrifices made to win the contest. John does not record Jesus prayer in the garden which happen prior to His arrest in Matthew 26:39 where Jesus repeated this three times saying, “Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. nevertheless, not My will but Thy will be done”. “Father, if man can be saved some other way then I won’t go to the cross but if there is no other way then I’ll go.” Peter was attempting to make it some other way but the fact is Peter’s good intentions aside there is no other way that we can be saved. Thus Jesus words in verse 11 to Peter “Put your sword into the sheath. Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?”

Vs. 12-14 Arrested and bound

Vs. 12-14 They bound Him, how humorous these words are and yet how familiar they are as many today would in their own way attempt to bind the Son God. 600 men bound a savior, the Lamb of God who needed no human rope to get Him to the cross as His love for the Father and His love for us was what was driving Him there, not the cords of human rebellion but the cords of divine love. It is here that the words of Paul in Romans 8:38-39 come to mind where he writes, “I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” So the very ones that bound Him didn’t realize that He’s willingness to be bound was in order to liberate them from the bondage of sin.  

He was brought before Annas for arraignment and then rebound to be brought before Caiaphas. The word of God had ordained that one man serve as High Priest for His entire life but Annas was so corrupt that he had be disposed but put his sons and finally his son in law in the office. Annas was the high priest for 9 years, a Sadducee and as such a materialist who became extremely wealthy by setting up little booths in the temple area called the court of the Gentiles where he sold certified sacrifices at a high rate and it was by these sales that he had purchased his priesthood. Twice in Jesus ministry he had made a cord ad drove out the extortion from the House of the Lord and no doubt Annas was quite pleased to see Jesus arrested and brought before him. He had fallen out of favor with the Romans so he was bared by them but he just put in one of his five sons in that position and finally his son in law. It was Caiaphas who only a few month earlier after the resurrection of Lazarus said in John 11:49-50 that it was “expedient…that one man should die for the people”. So while Peter was in the courtyard denying Peter Jesus was before the court protecting Peter.       

Consider these paradoxical truths with regards to Jesus:

  1. He was born as a humble baby, yet heralded by angels.
  2. He was laid in a manger, yet announced by a star.
  3. He submitted to baptism, and then heard the Divine voice of approval.
  4. He slept when He was exhausted, but awoke to calm the storm.
  5. He wept at a grave, and then called the dead to life.
  6. He submits to arresting troops, then declares His majesty and knocks them over.
  7. He died on a cross, but in it He overcame sin and death and Satan.

John 18:15-27

“Christ in the court of public opinion”  

I. Intro.

II. Vs. 15-18 The promise of restoration

III. Vs. 19-24 Truth in the court lies

IV. Vs. 25-27 The process of denial


Peter’s failure started in the 13th chapter:

  • With pride and self assurance
  • Was seen in rejecting the will of God in the garden
  • Moved to following Jesus at a distance
  • Then seen in standing outside the gate of fellowship
  • Which led to warming himself by the fires of the world
  • Then to sitting in fellowship with those who appose Christ
  • And finally to denial 

I’m amazed at the ways in which our Lord can strip us of our self sufficiency and pride His methods of love always include restoration but the process includes self realization which usually will break our hearts. Oh how I wish that I was less stubborn and more open to respond to the “still small voice” that is speaking to my insecurity, I can’t help but lament over the countless wasted hours at my refusal to submit to His loving discipline. Backsliding is never in a moment rather it is always in a series of small insignificant decisions that on their own seem harmless and even at times wise; of further interest to me personally that any backsliding is always a denial of our Lord’s goodness.  


Vs. 15-18 The promise of restoration

Vs. 15 John’s first impressions are not Jesus trial before the high priest but Peter’s trial before three servants. In Matthews account we are told that Peter followed Jesus from a distance. Now I suppose when compared with the other 9 that we can say that at least Peter followed Jesus. But listen up my friend as I believe that we always invite trouble when we follow Jesus from a distance. You will never hear someone say, “I know when all my problems started, it was right when I became more devoted to Jesus and decided to follow Him closer without compromise!” The fact is denial never happens up close it always happens from a distance! Contrast this with John and there are some things we can glean from. There is a sense of devotion that always accompanies John where he wants to be with Jesus, near Jesus even during the difficult times as we shall see in the 19th chapter where he is at the foot of the cross next to the Mary’s and Jesus say’s “Woman, behold your son!” and to John He said, “Behold your mother!”. With regards to John running into the tomb I believe it was because he could look and see Jesus wasn’t there so there was no need to come in. Friends, I’m afraid that at times we can allow our hearts to grow cold in our devotion as our relationship with Jesus can become mechanical and we just go through the motions.

Now before we are too hard on Peter is in not great to realize that He will always defend us even when we don’t return the favor? The first failure John records happened after John went to the gate keeper to gain him entrance and the gate keeper apparently knew of John’s association with Jesus and simply asked Peter if he too was one of His followers. Peter had no reason to fear at this point as clearly John had not been mistreated and was able to move about with out any harassment. He had no reason to not openly acknowledge his affiliation but yet he did. It was Peter’s association with John that made her question if he was a follower and had he said yes he would have been with John during the whole proceedings and never would have denied Jesus. There once was this little Christian boy who his mother caught him in a lie so she asked him what the Bible had to say about lies and the poor fellow got some bible verses mixed up as he said “A lie is an abomination to the Lord, but a very present help in time of trouble!” I rather think Peter knew that same verse and I’m afraid that we have it memorized that way as well some times.

            There is an interesting insertion by John here with regards to the other “disciple” that followed Jesus as John adds that he “was known by the high priest”. Now it is believed that this description is a literary one by which John is referring to himself, but just what was his connection with the high priest? John knew the name of the high priests servant Malchus as well as the person who kept the door, and that the servant of the high priest was a relative of Malchus in verse 26 are all further indicators that John was very familiar with this family. Well it seems that the Son’s of Zebedee had a thriving fish market, in fact on our trip to Israel we spent an afternoon in Capernaum where the son’s of Zebedee were from along with Peter. As we walked through the ruins that were along side the Synagogue the tour guide was describing articles that they had found in the area. Just then we stop in front of a marble plaque advertising the Zebedee’s fish stand. According to history their business was quite successful and their salted fish were considered a delicacy in Jerusalem but could only be afforded by the wealthy and because of this John and his family became acquainted with Annas and his family.

Vs. 16-18 Jesus had only hours earlier predicted that Peter would deny Him three times but in Luke’s account of this there is a very interesting order that many don’t realize. You see according to Dr. Luke’s account in 22:31-34 Jesus predicted Peter’s return before He predicted his denial. 

Hey friends, is that not wonderful to realize that Jesus is more into promising our restoration then He is stating our failure? And I can tell you from the human standpoint the greater prophetic probability was Peter’s denial not his return and restoration but remember Jesus said “But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail.” “Falter yes, doubts certainly but fail, no way because I’ve got a hold on you Peter.”   

It appears that John was suspicious with regards to Peter’s safety as he left Jesus and went to check upon Peter who was still outside the gate. John tells us as well that it was cold that night, now for me to tell you that would be cold at night here in the Bitterroot would raise no questions but Israel at this time of year is not normally cold in fact it’s usually very pleasant outside this was very unusual for this time of year. Ill regardless friend it is never a good idea to seek warmth around the fires of the enemies of Jesus as you will never fit in and you will eventually get burned!  

It is also interesting in verse 17 that the first servant girl asked, “You are not ALSO one of this Man’s disciple’s are you?” which seems to indicate that she was aware of John’s commitment to Christ but not sure of Peter’s. Hey friends which is worse do you think that Peter denied knowing the Lord or that he wasn’t immediately associated with Him in the first place? And in light of that what Peter dose is to deny the association which she wasn’t sure that he had in the first place. Now based upon that allow me to draw this application if someone is shocked that you aren’t living up to your profession a least they have at first made the association that you are a follower of Christ.

Peter followed from a distance, warmed himself by the fires of the world and Luke 22:55 tells us that he finally sat in the courtyard of the ungodly. Psalm 1:1 shows the same order when we are told that, “Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful”. Judas wept the tears of remorse but Peter cried the tears of repentance, remorse simple means that the outcome of our action didn’t turn out as we intended them to. Ah but repentance means the what we lament is not the outcome but the action in the first place as true biblical repentance means a change in what we think, feel and act. Consider the contrast between Judas and Peter.

  • Judas regret and remorse led to death but Peter’s repentance led to life and restoration.
  • Peter was guilty of rejecting God’s will; Judas was guilty of rejecting God’s Word.    

Now before you get on me about stretching this a bit I realize we are just given Peter’s journey but I can’t help be see far to many professing Christians spiritual journey which directly parallels Peters. Peter’s distance from the Lord led him to feel a bit cold but instead of drawing near the Lord he sought the warmth and comforts the world offers which just got him burned in the end. Ah friends it would be good to learn this lesson from Peter’s travel from the “garden of grace” to the “court of public opinion” will always in denial if we chose to stay at a distance from our Lord. James wrote in 4:8 that if we “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” Then James exhorts, “Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” Are being wiped out, going through some real tough times don’t retreat advance and you will find a fellowship closer to Jesus then you ever imagined possible!   


Vs. 19-24 Truth in the court lies

Vs. 19-24 Now John takes us in to Jesus trial before Annas and we see how differently Jesus acted then Peter. Peter was asked a fair question one that had no adverse immediate consequences and he responded with a lie. Annas questioned Jesus about two things but Jesus only responds to one of the inquires and does not answer anything with regards to His disciples protecting them at all costs. In Rev. 12:10 satan is described as the “the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night” what a comfort it is to realize that as much as the enemy may want to come after us but we are told in Hebrews 7:25 that Jesus is “able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” There was no formal charge until witness could be brought in and that hadn’t done so. Annas’ responsibility was to make sure that the basic legal protection under Jewish law was applied to the accused but he didn’t. Jesus however was asked leading and illegal questions Jesus responded truthfully without risking innocent lives He was treated with a stern slap across the face. 

In Matt. 5:39 Jesus spoke about turning the other cheek and her we get a practical example of how Jesus apply this, you see He stood up to the truth by saying, “What you guys are doing is wrong” and that got the slap on the face He again stood up again and said “On what basis are you hitting Me, if I’m not following the law and truth prove it, but if I am then why are you hitting me?” There was no retaliation no name calling just stating the facts and I believe that is a great example of turning the other cheek, stand on your rights without any name calling or slander towards the one doing wrong to you. Apparently this worked as Annas realizes he can’t get any where and sends him across the court yard to his son in law Caiaphas.   

What Anas did here was completely illegal as Jewish law stated that it was against the law to ask an accused anything that might implicate him. It is what happens when a person is arrested they say, “You have the right to remain silent and to have a lawyer present with you during questioning, should you speak anything you say can and will be used against you.” Now Jesus just reminds them of the law by saying, “Hey, gather your witness I didn’t ever say anything that wasn’t public, don’t ask Me as it is against the law to do so.” It is clear that Annas understood Jesus words that he was conducting an illegal interrogation as one of the officers struck Jesus. The other gospel accounts reveal to us that it was in this court yard that Jesus beatings began as they covered his head and began hitting Jesus in the face while mocking Him by asking Him who it was who struck Him. The covering of the head made it impossible for Jesus to roll with the punch and as such He took the full force of the blow upon His face. They asked Jesus to prophesy as to who hit Him and little did they realize that they were fulfilling the prophecy of  Isaiah 52:14 where we are told that “His visage was marred more than any man, and His form more than the sons of men”.

The time before Annas was very brief and it appears that his hope was to get Jesus to incriminate Himself by stating things that could be used against Him and His followers later. Jesus would have none of that and refused to answer on grounds that the questions were illegal to ask and that if they truly wanted the answers all they needed to do was call those who had heard His teaching which wouldn’t have been hard to do. Annas was not looking for reasons to believe but rather looking for reason to rid himself and the nation of Jesus. Friends there are a lot of folks today that pose themselves as skeptics and seekers but they are not searching for truth rather then are looking for excuses to continue in life styles that they are addicted too. Notice that Jesus uses the personal pronoun five times in two verses in His declaration before Annas:

  1. I spoke openly to the world.”
  2. I always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where the Jews always meet
  3. and in secret I have said nothing.”
  4. Why do you ask Me? Ask those who have heard Me what I said to them.”
  5. Indeed they know what I said.”

They were the conspirators, they were the ones in back rooms and alleys whispering as they plotted His death yet they were accusing Him of doing so.  

As Peter warmed himself by the fire with those who weren’t associated with Christ was refusing to indite His followers protecting them. They wanted to know from Jesus who His followers were and it should have been obvious as we are told by Jesus in John 13:35 “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”  Jesus indicated that there was no conspiracy against them as He spoke openly and everyone had heard what He had said. Jesus is inciting what we call the 5th amendment which says that a prisoner can not be forced or coerced to testify against themselves.

Vs. 25-27 The process of denial

Vs. 25-27 But is seems that John’s focus is back upon Peter and I don’t believe to pick on Peter but rather because we all are so much like Peter. John condenses what most likely took an hour or so and apparently Peter told John what had taken place as John was with Jesus before Annas. Based upon the other gospel accounts it seems that the first denial by Peter happens at the hand of a servant girl, she then apparently brings with her another girl and they question him again, which he denies his affiliation and finally a group come over, one of which was related to the Malchus who’s ear Peter had whacked off only an hour earlier and tell him that he is one of them as his accent has given him away. How tragic that the sound of his words indicated a relationship and not the content of them! And to counter this Peter’s cursing revealed that he had no relationship with Jesus as well as cutting off a servant ear. It is interesting to realize that Peter’s faith remind while his courage departed and but being reminded of Jesus’ words Peter wept bitterly because he truly loved the Lord he just over estimated it. 

As Peter was warming himself by the fires of the world he was questioned for the third time concerning his relationship to Jesus in which he began to curse and swear that he didn’t know Jesus. Let me first acknowledge that I’m thankful that my relationship doesn’t hinge on my commitment to Him but rather upon His commitment to me. 

Consider for a moment the testimony of the rooster as to the truth of this, what? You see chickens and specifically roosters weren’t allowed in Jerusalem during the Passover because they were a noisy mess so they would gather them up and put them outside the city. Apparently this rooster got overlooked and upon Peter’s third denial of Jesus he let one lose heralding what mess Peter had gotten himself into. Ah but you all know what roosters are known for? Why they signal the start of a new day, and here we have the reminder that even when we have made a mess of things and the world is crowing our mistakes that in Jesus it can be a start of a new day. Paul wrote in 2 Cor. 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” Need more proof of this look at the rest of the story of what the Lord did with Peter’s cursing and denying only 50 days later. Peter who followed at a distance, stood outside the door and warmed himself by the fires of the world stood up and proclaimed Jesus and 3000 gave their hearts to Jesus. Are you not amazed with our Lord can do with our messes? The world will continue to crow our mistakes but our Lord will continue to proclaim it’s a new day and restore us to fellowship and fruitfulness instead of reminding us of our failures. Hey saint’s what kind of rooster are you? Do you signal person’s messes or proclaim to them it’s a start of a new day? Paul told the Galatians in 6:1 that “if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.” Paul didn’t say remind, rebuke or reveal but restore.                                               

John 18:28 – 19:3

“Contrasting kingdoms”  

I. Intro.

II. Vs. 28-32 Becoming our curse 

III. Vs. 33-37 A new kingdom

IV. Vs. 38-3 God among the shadows 


John does not tell us anything about Jesus’ trial before Caiaphas the son in law of Annas instead he focuses in on Jesus trial before Pilate. In the other gospel accounts we learn how Jesus was badly beaten while before Caiaphas as they blindfolded Him and hit Him on the face mocking Him by asking Him who it was that struck Him. The purpose of the trial before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin was to have official charges to be able to get the Roman’s to give Jesus the death penalty. Rome didn’t care about the religious concerns of the Jews what they cared about was insurrection and treason things like Jesus saying don’t pay taxes and over throw the Roman’s but Jesus had already said to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.  Jesus was no doubt showing the signs of having been beaten up by the time He came before Pilate, as blindfolded He would not been able to naturally roll with the punches. Well did Jesus say of these religious leaders in Matthew 23:24 calling them “Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!”

Vs. 28-32 Becoming our curse

Vs. 28 Jesus’ trial as priest before the religious leaders is over now He comes to the Roman authority on trial for being king. Religion has decided to kill the High Priest the only mediator between fallen man and a holy God. Now Jesus comes before government and politics to a man who was the epitome of the Roman system a freed slave who had risen to a position of power by way of the influence of the emperor’s mother and wife. The other gospel accounts spend more time on Jesus trial before the Sanhedrin but John chooses to focus more on Jesus trial before the Roman authority, Pontius Pilate. It most likely around 4 or 5 AM when Jesus came to the Praetorium and the Jews did not come in so as to not defile themselves so they could keep the feast of unleavened bread as you may remember that Passover was earlier that night. They were more concerned with ceremonial defilement than they were moral guilt. The irony of this situation is amazing and yet another example of self righteousness and pride. Here these fellows were about to commit murder upon Jesus but they were concerned about defiling themselves by stepping on a Gentile area which would have disqualified them to participate in the Passover celebration. Let this serve as a warning, “Any work, ritual, or religious exercise no matter how biblical, holy or sacrificial if it leads me to believe even for a moment that it is the act that I am practicing that makes me right before God has at that moment become a hindrance to me of entering into true fellowship with Him.” In Titus 3:5 Paul wrote, “not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit”.  

Jesus was found guilty of being the Messiah and sense Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin didn’t agree they found Jesus guilty of blaspheme that was His official charge. By the time that John wrote his gospel Jerusalem had been destroyed, many the Jews were dispersed and the only authority in the world that mattered was Rome’s. Had the Jews executed Jesus they would have done what Rabbi Saul did to Steven in Acts and that is death by stoning but that would not have fulfilled the law in Deut. 21:23 where we are told “he who is hanged is accursed of God.” That is why Paul quotes this verse in Galatians 3:13 saying “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree)”. In Psalm 22 a 1000 years before this in Psalm 22:16 the psalmist wrote “The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me. They pierced My hands and My feet”. Then in Zech. 12:10 we are told by the prophet that in the future Israel “will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn.” Crucifixion was not a form of Jewish capital punishment but the Lord Himself had said in John 12:32 “if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” If the Jews had put Jesus to death, He would have been stoned, instead of crucified, and His prophecy about His death would not have been fulfilled. 

Vs. 29-32 We are introduced to Pontius Pilate for the first time and John records his reluctance to execute Jesus but at the same time his inability to stand up for what was right. For many years the Bible’s naming Pontius Pilate was a source of doubt and ridicule as there was no ancient record of such a man that governed in Israel. But in 1961 during an archeological dig of Caesarea by the Sea they uncovered a plaque near the steps to the amphitheater that bore his name. There is more to this story then most realize as Pilate had been given this position from Rome. After Herod the Great had died his three sons became Tetrarchs or rulers over three regions of Israel but they had done such a lousy job that the Jews asked Rome to send someone else. Rome did so in sending Pontius Pilate a former slave who through marriage and political maneuvering became overseer. Upon his arrival he came into Jerusalem carrying banners bearing the image of the emperor and as he neared  the temple area a riot broke out and people were killed all because the religious leaders saw the image of the emperor as idolatry. Rome sent a warning to get it together or he would be replaced so to appease the Jews he undertook a building project to bring water into Jerusalem by way of an aqueduct but to finance the project he diverted funds from the temple treasury. This again brought a riot in which blood was again shed and Pilate was issued a second warning and he wasn’t sure he’d get another chance. So it appears that Pontius Pilate feared another outburst from the Jews so he gave them what they wanted even though he felt uneasy about it. It reminds me of the old Quaker Proverb, “Of your unspoken words, you are the master; of your spoken words, the servant; of your written words, the slave.”    

The first thing Pilate wants’ to know is what the charges are against Jesus and they just tell Pilate to take their word for it He deserves death. But that wasn’t going to work with Pilate as he told them you judge Him according to you’re laws. The religious leaders weren’t interested in a trial they were interested in an execution and they had been banned for doing that. Years prior to this event the Romans took away the Jewish right for capital punishment, the rabbis put on sackcloth, threw dirt in the air and walked around Jerusalem crying out that God had abandoned them. Why? Well to them capital punishment was a sign of self rule and back in Genesis 49:10 they remembered that God’s word had said, “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor a lawgiver from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes; And to Him shall be the obedience of the people.” The word Shiloh means rest and was euphemism for the Messiah. The promises was that Judah would keep her scepter until the Messiah would come, she would keep her right to rule until the Messiah would come again the irony was that their Messiah had come and her on this day they were about to execute Him.

Vs. 33-37 A new kingdom

Vs. 33-35 Pilate looked at the batter face of Jesus and asked in wonderment, “Are You the King of the Jews” who would think of treating their King with such hostility? And Jesus could have just responded with a simple yes but instead he asks Pilate the reason for his inquiry are you asking Me this from the perspective of the Jew’s or the Roman’s? And by Pilate’s response in verse 35 we can tell that he is trying to find out what Jesus has done that has caused such hostility and Pilate knew of the hostilities of the religious leaders.

Jesus didn’t look like any revolutionary that Pontius Pilate had every seen before thus his question is filled with doubt. To the Romans the title “King” meant a political rival so Jesus tells him that “His kingdom is not of this world”. “What kind of King do you think I am a political one or a spiritual one”, Jesus asked Pilate. It is interesting that Pilate calls Jesus king four times during His trial; he even insisted I have a plaque placed over the cross with the words attesting to that fact written three languages. Jesus said that He’s reign didn’t come from the authority of the world but rather from the authority of the Word. The advancement of His Kingdom Jesus said didn’t depend upon politics to advance it depended upon transformation do to truth in a heart to advance.

Vs. 36-37 Jesus says here four very interesting statements about His kingdom:

  1. Vs. 36 Location: “My kingdom is not of this world” and because of this His kingdom is permanent and will never perish, it can not be attacked or overthrown it is impervious to all the things that come upon every other kingdom.
  2. Vs. 36 Foundation: “If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” The foundation of Jesus’ kingdom is peace as He is the prince of peace. In Matthew 16 Jesus said that upon Peter’s statement that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the living God” that Jesus would build His church and “the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Earthly kingdoms are based upon force, pride, the love of human praise, the desire for domination, and self interest, all of which was displayed by Pilate and the Roman Empire.
  3. For this cause I was Born”: Which speaks of His humanity and that His authority is derived from a birth right.
  4. For this cause I have come into this world”: Which peaks of His divinity and that His authority comes for a greater source then mere human power.

Though God has established human kingdoms to restrain wickedness and ensure justice in the end they become like that which they fight against. But that is not the case of Jesus kingdom. In Rev. 11:15 we are told that the John hears a proclamation in heaven declare that, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” so one day their will only be His kingdom, can’t wait for that day. The pillars of Jesus kingdom are all principals of the cross seen in love, sacrifice, humility, and righteousness. In Jesus’ kingdom “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.” Mark 9:35 what a contrast to the lording over people we see in all the kingdoms of this world. The key to Jesus’ kingdom is not ruling over people it is rather they we are a people ruled over by the Lord. And that is what we saw back in Genesis 32:28 where God changed Jacob’s name to Israel or if you will from “man rules” to “God rules”. Charles Colson wrote in his book “Kingdoms In Conflict” that, “While human politics is based on the premise that society must be changed in order to change people, in the politics of the Kingdom of God it is people who must be changed in order to change society.” It is clear that at this time the Jews looked to political intervention to change their present circumstances and things have not changed much have they?  

Time has proven which of the two kingdoms is ore powerful as Rome is gone, Napoleon is gone, Hitler is gone the walls have fallen down but the kingdom of our Lord continues to conquer hearts and change countless lives. And try as people might such as some this week who claim that Jesus was the offspring of rape and was never betrayed by Judas, they still can’t stop the continual work of the kingdom of God.  You see what Jesus is saying here is a fundamental difference as to how the world conquers and controls humanity and Jesus is saying that His kingdom changes people from the inside He conquers the hearts of men and wins their souls. I came forth and was born into this kingdom to bring forth My kingdom and those that are a part of My kingdom hear truth. Not only does Jesus confirm that He is indeed a king He outlines for Pilate what the purpose of a king is by saying, “For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” That is what the true purpose of a King to establish truth for His voice.

Vs. 38-19:3 God among the shadows

Vs. 38-40 History tells us that Barabbas first name was Jesus and his last name means “son of the father” so when Pilate asked the crowd who they wanted released Barabbas in Matthew’s account in the 27th chapter Barabbas was most likely in ear shot of the whole crowd and heard the words of Pilate when he asked, “Whom do you want me to release to you? Barabbas or Jesus who is called the christ?” And as the crowd was whipped into frenzy all Barabbas could hear were the shouts of Jesus and Barabbas being associated with “crucify him”. So the true Son of the Father took the place of Jesus Barabbas and he became the first person to realize that Jesus died for him. Do you realize that Jesus took your place on a cross that was meant for you? Do you know that because of this you have been released from the bounds of sin?

            “Truth, truth, what is truth”, spoken from a cynical man who had long witnessed the injustices of the politics of the empire. Born a slave married to become free play the game of politics to become governor, “What is truth!” And with one brush of justice Pilate acquits Jesus of any crime but then plays the game of politics again saying, “You have a custom that I should release to you someone…do you want me to release to you the King or the trouble maker?” The people choose the terrorist over the truth giver, the taker of life instead of the giver of life. Oh how many times this scene has been played out sense that day in human hearts. “Give me my life style full of lies, the momentary sensation of the things that ruin and run my life!” According to Matthew 27:19 it was at this point a message arrived from Pilate’s wife warning him, “Have nothing to do with that just man. I have suffered many things in a dream about him”. As a result of these words Pilate shipped Jesus off to Herod where Herod tried to question Jesus but Jesus wouldn’t say a word. Herod then returned the favor by sending Jesus back to Pilate and in a desperate attempt to get Jesus off the death penalty he scourged Jesus hoping that this would satisfy the Jews.                 

Vs. 1-3 And for a good while they tortured and terrorized our Lord while letting of a terrorist. The terrible Roman scourging as pieces of metal and bone were embedded in the leather whips that stripped all the skin off his back, leaving him bloody and torn; a crown of thorns was pressed upon his head, and the soldiers mocked and taunting him. Then after the beating was over Pilate presented this grotesque figure of a person who looked more like road kill then He did a man by this time. And nothing proved Jesus words before Pilate more than this, “I am a King”. Pilate chose compromise and ended up a murderer of an innocent man. The crowd chose Barabbas and ended up crucifying the Son of God. Jesus chose the cross and ended up King of Kings and Lord of Lords. At that very moment Pontius Pilate consented to not only putting Jesus Christ on the cross he placed his conscience there as well. Perhaps he was hoping that the 39 stripes would have been enough to spare Jesus’ life but even that didn’t satisfy the religious leaders. On the cross provision was forever made for our salvation and at the scourging we are told in Isaiah 53:5 “by His stripes we are healed” so provision was made for healing in our bodies.